Chapter 25

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"Didn't I tell you? I will always remember your words." Leonia said letting her bloodlust out. "I always knew my place here. No need to remind me." Luciana said letting her bloodlust out.

Gabel and Carl was looking at them from behind. The ice slowly form at Leonia's side while the fire slowly form at Luciana's side.

"It was negligence." Carl and Gabel thought.


When Leonia and Luciana walked out from the room. Gabel, Carl, Mina and Connie has been waiting for them.

"My Ladies!" Mina and Connie said after they heard them. "Have your lessons finished?" Gabel asked them. "Lady Luciana?" Carl said.

Luciana and Leonia turned at them when they suddenly feel the pressure from their bloodlust.

"... Countess Tedross will be seeing herself out." Leonia and Luciana said with their eyes glowing.

"... What happened inside...? Aren't that... Thirst Demon? How...? If they goes wide like this again..." Gabel thought. "Thirst Demon?! I need to calm her down!" Carl thought.

"I understand. Would it be okay if I carry you?" Gabel asked Leonia and kneeled in front of her. "Lady, do you want to hold my hands?" Carl asked Luciana. "I want to go to the walk." Luciana and Leonia mumbled.

"T-Then, we will retrieve your coats!" Mina and Connie said.

"... I can't let Lady Luciana's power out yet. It would be dangerous." Carl thought as he saw that Luciana's eyes turn back into the normal back. "... She has calm down." Carl thought.

Luciana grabbed Carl's hand as a comfort. He glance behind and saw that Leonia already calmed down at Gabel. Connie and Mina then followed after them while holding the coats for them.

"It seems like Lady Luciana is a Kieran. Her Thirst Demon's was activated due to sudden provocation. And, it calmed down as her emotions settled down." Carl thought staring at Luciana.

"If we'd be able to go for that walk, everything might've ended there."

"For the two years, you've been harassed me. You told me that I'm just a tool that the Duke used me. I know that." Luciana said as her slit demonic red eyes stare at Cerena.

"Also after Leonia come here, you knew that The Duke might throw me away because of her. Of course, I also know that." Luciana said as she slowly poked Cerena's forehead like she did to her.

"Guess what. Screw that. He already threw me away." Luciana whispered to her as her bloodlust spread everywhere.

"You carelessly poked me. Who the hell do you think you are?" Luciana said when the fire burned half of Cerena's hair make she shaking in fear.

"... I might not the Lady of Boleoti anymore but I'm Lady of Kieran now. Lower your gaze, you lowlife." Luciana smirked widely when she feels the bloodlust come over her.

"My turn." Luciana step aside and let Leonia to play with Cerena.

"On the first day, you had said to me that I'm unrefined because I'm an illegitimate child. On the second day, you said I should consider myself lucky for being rescued." Leonia said smiling to her.

"And after that, you told me that my background wouldn't disappear, no matter how hard I tried." Leonia said cupping Cerena's cheek. Luciana also cupping her cheek from beside.

"Did you really think you could hide those dirty inner thoughts with your flowery words?" Luciana and Leonia said together.

"Ack..." Cerena said in fear and stare at them with teary eyes.

"And, what was it that you said to me today?" Luciana said. "Uh.. Uh.." Cerena whimpered but the two of them ignored it. "Go on?" Leonia said. "That... That was... Today..." Cerena said in fear.

The big ice and fire was surrounded around them. Luciana's heart slowly warping with the chain of Thirst Demon as the proof that she almost complete unseal her power.

"It was misunderstanding." Leonia said staring down at Cerena with her golden eyes. "I'm not someone special here, isn't it? You told me to know my place, right?" Luciana said as she slowly smiled. Her mind was slowly gone crazy because of the heavy bloodlust.

"You know. I've been waiting for this moment. To kill you with my own hands. I'm crazy? I know. You should know that you can't mess with me." Luciana said as she trailed her hand at Cerena's face before scratch it until it was bleeding.

"That was such a good face. I want to see more of it!" Luciana laughed loudly. Leonia was still in her world and continued letting her bloodlust.

Carl and Gabel stare at them from behind. "We're in trouble...! Lady Leonia has unleashed the Beast's fang!" Gabel thought. "We're in trouble...! Lady Luciana almost finish to unseal the Thirst Demon!" Carl thought.

"Considering it's the lady's. This is even more dangerous."

"They're strong but they doesn't know how to control it."

"I heard for someone who have Kieran's power and unseal the power without any training, it can take that person's life away! Lady Luciana is in danger!" Carl thought as he tried to stand up.

The ice touched Cerena's body until it was bleeding on the right while on the left, the fire already burned her clothes and body until it left burn mark.

The servants also has ice on the right and fire on the left and accidentally injured them. "Fuck, I can't move at all!" Carl and Gabel thought.

We need to stop them.

"If I don't, her life will..." Carl thought as he was worried when he saw the crazy expression from Luciana.

"The only person who can refrain them... If only... The Duke and Marquis is here...!"

The door suddenly open from outside. "This is a mess." Someone suddenly said. "Right." The other person said from beside.

Their hands was bring some snacks that they brought before. "They said she'd be on rampage, and she is." Phileo said. "I didn't know that it would be quick to her for unseal it." Adrian said beside him.

"I see that my daughter need to learn some manners." Phileo said.

"I need to stop her before it was complete." Adrian said.

𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐈𝐛𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐝)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang