Chapter 18

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Inside Phileo's Office.

Phileo stare at the man in front of him with intense glare while Adrian just calmly smile to him.

"What a beautiful day, isn't it?" Adrian said to him. "Cut the bullshit now. Tell me, Adrian. The reasons why did you suddenly disappeared for almost seven years now." Phileo said to him.

Adrian gently chuckled at him and put his teacup on the table. "I would like to said that it would be personal." Adrian said to him with a smile but Phileo slammed his hands to the table.

"Personal?! You're the Marquis of Kieran household now! One and only Marquis who rule the land! What was happened to you?!" Phileo said in anger.

"Phileo." Adrian said stopping him. He stare at him using his red slit eyes. "We're not a teenager anymore." Adrian said to him make him froze.

"I just come here because of The Emperor's order for me. No need to worried about it. I'll tell you once I'm done with my works." Adrian said sipping his tea.

"I heard that you adopted a daughter." Adrian suddenly said make Phileo frown. "Who? Is the rumors already spread?" Phileo asked him.

"Aren't you adopted a daughter seven years ago?" Adrian asked him. "You mean Lucy? Yeah, I adopted her. I thought you mean Leonia." Phileo said leaned to his couch.

"Leonia? You have another daughter?" Adrian asked him in surprise. Phileo just hummed at him and drink his tea.

"... Where did you found Lady Luciana, Phileo?" Adrian suddenly asked him. Phileo looked at him with frown. He put the teacup back on the table.

"Why do you want to know?" Phileo said staring at him in suspicious. Adrian stare at him without any emotion before smiled.

"Nothing~ I just think that Lady Luciana is really a good daughter, isn't it?" Adrian said to him.

"... Indeed." Phileo said sipping his tea before the door suddenly getting knocked. "Who is it?" Phileo said.

"It's me, Mister." Leonia's voice can be heard from outside. "Come in." Phileo told her to enter the room.

Meleis help her open the door before she walked in. Leonia noticed that someone is here. "You have visitor?" Leonia asked him.

"Don't worry. We just finished talking. What do you want?" Phileo asked her. He grabbed her and put her on his lap.

"Oh, nothing. I just want to see you." Leonia said to him. "Lucy still didn't want to play with you?" Phileo asked her taking Adrian's attention.

"No. She still want some time." Leonia said to him. "Don't worry. She will come to us later." Phileo said.

Adrian glance at them before put his teacup on the table and stand up. "Then, I'll see you later, Phileo." Adrian said to him.

"Yes." Phileo said before give Leonia full of his attention. Adrian walked out the room and saw his assistant.

"Found out about what happened with Lady Luciana and Phileo." Adrian said without looking at him.

"Yes, Sire." Noah said to him. They walking together to the guest room where he'll live there for awhile.

"Did you saw her eyes?" Adrian slowly asked him. "Yes. I saw it." Noah whispered back to him.

"She look alike her." Adrian thought with a small smile. His mind suddenly remembered the young lady with light blue hair color, smiled at him with angelic smile.


"Our daughter! Our daughter- is gone!"

His mind suddenly changed the memories about a few years ago. The same woman was crying in miserable and having mental breakdown in front of him. Adrian's eyes darkened when he remembers that dark memories.

The next day.

Luciana is study inside her room like always. Mina already bring the refreshment to her before excuses herself. While study, Luciana zoned out at the window.

"Where should I go? I don't want to stay here with them." Luciana thought with blank face. She suddenly saw someone from outside the window.

Adrian was walking to the garden with Phileo while talking. She watched them exchanged a few words before Leonia come and take Phileo with her.

Adrian waved at them before his eyes meet with Luciana from her room. Luciana was embarrassed since he catches her staring at him.

Adrian immediately smiled and told her to come outside. Usually, Luciana would ignored it but she feels something different from him.

Luciana quickly take her coat and run outside to meet with him. Adrian saw her running to him make he smiled.

"Do you want to talk a walk together?" Adrian said taking her hands together. Luciana slowly smiled and nodded at him. They walking together and tried to talking with each other.

Phileo and Leonia was argued like always when his eyes suddenly catch Luciana's smile towards Adrian make he froze.

"Since when did they become close with each other?" Phileo thought as he suddenly feels something at the sight in front of him.

𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐈𝐛𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now