Chapter 15

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The next day.

Leonia looked at Luciana's door with nervous expression. After what was happened last night, she tried to talked about it with Phileo but he didn't want to change his decision.

"Lady Lucy already trained to become successor since she was five but I just appeared a few weeks ago, suddenly became the successor." Leonia thought as she was feeling restless right now.

"... She must feel really upset about it." Leonia thought and was about to knocked the door when it's suddenly open from inside make she startled.

"Lady Leonia? What're you doing here?" Mina said as Manuce and her walking out of the room. Leonia want to peeked inside of it but Manuce quickly close the door.

"Uh... Is Lady Lucy is here?" Leonia asked them. They looked at each other before looked at her back.

"Why?" Manuce asked her with cold smile make she flinched. "I-I just want to talk with her." Leonia nervously said to them.

Mina and Manuce stare at her with cold eyes for a moment before smiled. "I'm sorry, My Lady. Lady Luciana didn't want to meet anyone right now." Mina said to her.

"So, if you excuse us, I'll escort you back, Lady." Manuce said to Leonia. Leonia stare at them before agree with him.

"Okay..." Leonia said as they started walking together. Mina stare at their backs before looked back at the door.

Mina and Manuce already cleaned the room for a whole night. After they comfort Luciana together, she fell asleep at Mina's lap. She changed her clothes and treated her injury before letting her sleep on her bed.

Luciana already awake few hours later but she is laying on the bed for a whole day. Only Manuce and Mina can enter the room. Phileo didn't bother to visit her for whole day and only hanging out with Leonia.

Luciana sit at her bed while wearing her nightgown. She stare down at her bandage hand.

"My Lady, I brought the hot soup for you." Mina said walking with a tray. Manuce also come inside to the room and standing beside them.

Luciana didn't say anything and just looked at the soup when Mina put in front of her. Her eyebags is really obvious now but she is too tired to care about it.

"... Thank you." Luciana mumbled and taking the spoon with shaky hands. Mina and Manuce stare at her in concern before Mina finally decided to feed her.

"Let me feed you since you don't have any energy." Mina said gently feed her. Luciana just let her be. Manuce standing beside the door when it suddenly getting knocking from outside.

"I'll open it." Manuce said as Mina nodded at him and continued to focus on Luciana.

"Who is it?" Manuce said as he peeked outside. Cara and Rupert is the one who knocked it.

"Is Lady Luciana is here?" Cara asked him. Manuce quickly walked out and closed the door make they frowned.

"Yes, she is but she didn't want to meet with anyone right now." Manuce said to them. "Can we see her now?" Rupert asked him.

Manuce shake his head to them. "I'm sorry but no." Manuce said. "But His Grace want to see her." Cara said.

"Oh. Then, please tell him that Lady Luciana is resting for now." Manuce said with a smile.

"... We'll tell him that Lady Luciana will meet him tomorrow then." Cara said. Manuce nodded at them and watched them walking away.

"... Why would His Grace want to see her? After everything he done to Lady Luciana." Manuce thought, rolling his eyes before enter the room back.

Mina looked at him when he come in while cleaned the plate. "Who is it?" Mina asked him. "It's Mr Rupert and Mrs Cara." Manuce said coming closer to them.

"Why would they come here?" Mina said. "They told me that His Grace want to meet Lady Luciana." Manuce said as something fall on the ground.

They turned and found Luciana trembling when she heard that. "B-But why...?" Luciana slowly said with shaking eyes.

Manuce take the bunny doll that fell from her hands and give her back. Luciana take and stare at it.

"But I told them that you want to rest, Lady. You still need to meet him tomorrow though." Manuce said gently smiled at her.

Luciana didn't say anything but continued to stare at the white bunny with red eyes doll. It's her favorite doll from her old orphanage.

"... I see." Luciana mumbled slowly and hugging the doll more closer.

At somewhere else.

"My Lord." Someone suddenly said, walking to the room.

"What?" The man with white hair and red eyes said with tired face. The one who called him is his assistant. He tried to take his breath after run around the mansion to look for him.

"We found her." The assistant said after taking his breath. The man quickly widened his eyes and stands up.

"Really?! Where is she?!" The man asked him in hurry. The assistant of him quickly take out something and give it to him.

"One of our mans found her at Boleoti's dukedom." The assistant said as the man froze when he heard the name.

"Boleoti...? Don't tell me..."

"Yes, Sire. We found the Young Lady. Lady Luciana."

𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐈𝐛𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now