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After the incident, you locked yourself in your dorm until her funeral. You weren't ready to see her grave, but you didn't want to not attend either. There was a knock on your door.

"What?" you said.

"Hey Bakugou, breakfast is ready" you heard Kirishima on the other side of the door.

"I'm not hungry" you said and laid your head back on your pillow.

"You have to eat something, if you want I'll bring it up here"

"Fine" you answered because you knew he wasn't going to give up.

After (y/n)'s death, your life felt like you had no purpose, it just felt empty. You didn't have the motivation to eat or shower at all. Thankfully, Aizawa Sensei had excused you from your classes until you felt 'okay' again.

There was a knock on the door, "Come get your food"

You complied and unlocked the door.

"How are you feeling, Bakugou?"

"Like shit"

"As expected, but it's going to get better"

You rolled your eyes and took the plate that had some eggs, rice, and seaweed soup.

After shutting the door, you placed the plate on your nightstand and went back into bed.


"(Y/n)?" You said

"You really thought I was dead? I'm not that weak"

"But the doctors said-"

"Fuck the doctors" she said engulfing you into a hug.

"Let's go eat breakfast I'm hungry"

You hold her hand and walk downstairs with a massive smile on your face.

"Bakugou? Surprised to see you here, and why do you look so happy?" Kaminari said.

"Don't you see? (Y/n)'s alive" You answered, pointing at (y/n).

"There's no one there though?" Sero questioned.

You turned to look at (y/n) and she looked at you.

"What do you mean she's not there? She's right in front of you!"

Sero whispered something to Iida.

"Bakugou, are you sure you aren't hallucinating?"

"Hallucinating?" You said quietly to yourself.

"I'm not fucking hallucinating four eyes! She's fucking there and you all are fucking blind!"

Kirishima was calling someone in the corner of your eye and the rest of your class looked at you weirdly.

"So you're telling me none of you don't see her?" You said pointing at (y/n).

They all shook their head.

"Stop fucking lying! Is this an April fools joke or something? She's fucking here!" You said trying to hold (Y/n)'s hand but your hand goes through hers.

"What?" You whispered.

"(Y/n)?" You called out for her, but she didn't answer, and she was see-through?

"What the hell? Am I fucking seeing things?"

You stared at your hands. Then, Aizawa and recovery girl entered the room.

'So she wasn't there? But she hugged me? Why did I feel that?"

"Bakugou!" You snapped out of your thoughts being hit with recovery girls cane.

"Fuck damn old lady!"

"Watch your words!"

"Alright cut it out you two, what did you see Bakugou?"

"(Y/n), I thought she was fucking here but it turns out I'm fucking seeing things"

"I'm going to my dorm"  you added and headed towards your dorm room when Aizawa stopped you.

"Here," he handed you a small note, "open this in your dorm"

You nodded and went to your dorm.

After shutting the door, you unfolded the small note, 'Hey Bakugou, this is the location for (y/n)'s funeral, I don't know if you will attend but all of us are going to be there. (Insert graveyard name)'

You let out a sigh, of course you were going to attend. The plate of food Kirishima gave you was still full, you didn't touch it. You weren't hungry so you just decided to bring it downstairs later so that maybe the others would eat it. 'Ring ring' your phone rang.

'What does this old hag want now?'


"Katsuki, how are you doing?"



"Hm?" You answered

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't know"

There was a slight pause for a second.

"Your father and I have been worried about you, could you visit?"

"I don't need your pity, old hag"

"Katsuki, I know how much you loved her, I'm just worried that you'll..."

"Do what I did in middle school?" You answered, knowing she was stressing about that.

"I know you promised me you wouldn't, but you're going through something tough and-" she went on but you cut her off.

"I'm fine"

"Katsuki.. please tell me you didn't"

"No I'm over that old hag, I'm going to fucking sleep"

"You won't visit?"

"Fine, I'll be there in" you closed the call before she said anything else.

Groaning, you grabbed the plate and headed downstairs.

"You didn't eat your breakfast?" Kirishima said.

"I'm not hungry" you replied and went to open the door.

"Where are you going?" Deku said.

"Old hag" you replied simply and started walking to old hags house.

You turn your head to the left and see (Y/n).

"Fucking get out of my head she's fucking dead" you said.

Before you knew it, you were at her house.

"Welcome Katsuki! I made you your favorite!"

The smell of the freshly cooked curry roamed through the house. It made your stomach rumble even when you weren't hungry.

You sat down at the table with your parents and she handed you a bowl of spicy curry with rice.


You technically swallowed your food, not realizing how hungry you were.

Your mother stared at you in shock.

"Have you not eaten lunch?"

You shook your head, "wasn't hungry"

"Guess mom's cooking made you hungry, huh?"

"Shut up old hag"

"Why don't you stay here for the night? It's not like you have school anyways" your father suggested.

You nodded and sent a text to Aizawa Sensei.


Words used: 974

Sorry I haven't been posting, so here's a little chapter.

Soft | Bakugou x Fem readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ