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It was another day in the boring hospital. Everyone was in school but you had to recover from the incident. Your parents were going to visit at 6. Saying you were nervous was an understatement. You had a hard time impressing them since your father wanted you to be the top 5 heros.

The worst part was that you never introduced Katsuki to your parents because they're not the best for your mental health. They always wanted a perfect daughter, perfect grades, if you had gotten an A instead of A+ you'd be scolded for days. The only thing you wanted was to make them proud, but that never happened.


Knock, knock.

"Come in" you said.

"Hello, your parents have arrived, should they come in?" A nurse asked.


Two figures walked into the room, "Hey mom and dad"

"(Y/n), let's get straight to the point"

"What do you mean, father?"

"We paid all this money to let you go to UA to become a hero, correct?" He said.


"Now, how do you think you can be a top hero when you get beaten by a kid?"

"Dad, there's nothing I could-"

"You have your damn quirk for a reason don't you! All you have to do is punch him in the face and he's done!"

"He overpowers me in strength though, a punch won't faze him!" You were both talking in a loud voice.

"Look at me here young lady! Once you're better I'm going to call his parents and you're going to fight him again, I don't care whether you break yourself doing it, you're going to win. I did not raise you to be beaten by a young boy who could easily be defeated!"

"Dad! I'm not going to fight him, I don't even want to see him! I was on the brink of death and all you care about is whether I win or not? I'm your daughter for God's sake, you're supposed to care for me!"

"Have some manners (Y/n)! Your father and I only want the best for you, it's not our fault that you're weak!"

Tears were running down your cheeks, do they only see you as a winner and not as their daughter?

"I'm not weak mom! He erased my quirk and used a speed quirk on me, I had no chance of winning even with pure strength!"

"If I was in your position then I would've beat him up, quirk or not"

"But you're a grown man Dad! Of course you would win against a high schooler!"

"You're facing that boy with your quirk whether you want it or not, no buts"

"I don't want to see him, what if he'll do the same or worse?!"

"Then that's your fault that you're not strong enough! I don't care if you die facing that boy, you're facing him!"

"Do you really not care about me at all?"

"Of course I do, but you will not be a top hero like this, you need to try harder"

"Dad, I don't want to be a top hero, I just want to be a hero who saves people, maybe even an underground hero like my Sensei."

"What the hell did you say?! I didn't make you to be a weak hero you're supposed to be number 1!"

"But I don't want to be number 1 Dad" you said.

"You're nothing but a disappointment to our name!-"

The door opened, "Surprise!"

The whole class was here, even Aizawa but at the wrong time.


Ah, how I love drama.

Words used: 598

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