chapter 2

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Elizabeth's POV:
I was awoken from my slumber when I heard the grinding of the coffee beans downstairs. I turn on the bed to grab my phone. Shoot, it's already 7am. My wife Scarlett and I were aiming to leave our NYC home around 7:30am, so I had a lot to do. I swiftly threw the covers off me and made our bed. I then put on my slippers and made my way down the stairs.

As I approached the kitchen I could hear a faint humming sound, coming from Scarlett. I was grinning just thinking about how adorable she is. You see, Scarlett and I met following the premiere of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and of course I was star struck from the get go, I mean hello? She is scarlett Johansson! And at the time I had basically just finished college and filmed a couple of indie movies and Godzilla, whereas she had a resume which went on for miles. It's safe to say that when we first met I was somewhat closed off due to my intimidation of her, but when we got to filming Age of Ultron, we became very close. I honestly didn't realise I was bisexual until I became her friend. My feelings came on so fast and so strong that it was often hard to be around her, and after 3 more years of complete agony, Scarlett actually asked me on a date during the filming of Infinity War. It was such a relief that she felt the same, I didn't want to ruin our friendship so I repressed my feelings for such a long time.
Anyway, we got married in the spring of 2021, it was a COVID wedding, but we were allowed a small gathering of friends and family, exactly what we desired. It has been such a joy spending my life with Scarlett. We live a very private life and though sometimes paparazzi does manage to snap photos of us together, we both try not to let the whole homophobia from the press get to us.

As I approach her, she is pouring two cups of coffee. Man I love this woman! "Hey babe", I say kissing her cheek from behind her. She jumps a little and turns to face me. "Lizzie! What have I told you about coming up behind me, you know how scared I get", she pouted. "Haha I know love, but that is why I have to do it! You're just too stinkin' cute!" I exclaimed. She handed me my cup of coffee and we both took a sip in silence. "Thank you for this, Scar", I said, motioning to the mug. "Don't mention it my love" she replied kissing my nose softly.

Yesterday, we got a call from Joe Russo, one of the directors of the film series, 'What If?', that we were needed urgently in L.A. to film a series of chemistry reads with the new potential cast member. We haven't been given much information about the shoot whatsoever, but all we know is that it will run as a trilogy, at this stage, and the marvel cast will reprise their old roles as this is the live action version.

Following Natasha's death in Endgame, scarlett has said how she wished her character lead a different fate, but at the time she didn't want to say anything because she truly did believe that it benefited the storyline. When Kevin Fiege pitched us the idea, Scarlett was ecstatic to say the least. I mean she was practically booming with joy after finding out they wanted her to play Natasha again. Her attachment to the roles she plays is one of the many things I love about her.

"So babe, I was thinking why don't we call a driver to take us to JFK, then we can catch our direct flight which is at 9:20am?" Scarlett asked me. "Sure that sounds great love", I reply as I begin to wash my coffee mug. Once clean, we both make our way back upstairs to get ready. Both Scarlett and I prepared some clothes and toiletries yesterday, but since we are staying at our Los Angeles home, we shouldn't need to much as we have things stocked there already. I changed into some brown linen pants, a t shirt, and a cardigan, and Scarlett changed into some grey sweatpants and a forest green hoodie. Once we were both about ready to go, the time was coming on 7:30am. Perfect, we are on time. Before leaving I made sure that we both had a cap each, our sunglasses and a couple spare face masks to hopefully disguise us a little. Since we are not flying in a private airplane, we try to draw as little attention to ourselves as possible.

Once Scar got the notification that our driver was here to pick us up, we made our way outside and loaded our luggage into the trunk of the car. Luckily the traffic isn't too bad at this hour as for many, work has not started yet, so we don't have to worry about traffic delaying our travels. Throughout the car ride, Scarlett traced her finger along my hand and drew patterns to calm my nerves. She knows how I get when flying commercial. Of course it is better for the environment, but interacting with large masses of people and being followed by paparazzi usually ignites a panic attack. Hopefully today we won't run into any problems like that though.

Ava's POV:
As soon as my alarm started ringing, I practically ascended from my bed. I turned it off immediately to avoid any unnecessary disturbances from my mother. Since my suitcases are quite large, I decided it would be best to take them down now to save me the trouble later. Despite how heavy they were I managed to bring them down one at a time and ready outside the front door. It did take a lot out of me though. I quietly made my way back upstairs to change into my outfit for the day, just simple jeans and a hoodie. When I went to the bathroom to check my face, I was mortified to see the deep blue bruise on my upper left cheek. Of course I saw it coming when she punched me, but some part of me thought that it wouldn't be this bad. I quickly caked on some foundation to cover it up and then reapplied the last butterfly stitches I had. I then went back downstairs and tucked my pyjamas into the front pocket of my suitcase.

Even though I did not owe my mother anything at all, I guess I felt somewhat guilty leaving without saying a real goodbye. So I tore a piece of paper off an old magazine and quickly jotted down something to leave on the kitchen counter:

Dear Mom,
I guess this is goodbye then. Thanks for kicking me out, hope you can get sober <3
Love Ava ;)

Okay, maybe it wasn't the smartest decision to be cheeky, but it was now or never, and if she can handle abusing her only child, I'm sure a few words won't hurt her that much. I made my way outside, locked the door and put my key in the small letterbox out front. Goodbye hell! Since my flight was at 9:20am, I did have a bit of time left. I called an Uber and sat on my suitcase outside my house, waiting for it to arrive. The driver said he would be here around 8:05am, in a white Prius. I was watching the road like a hawk, waiting for the driver to get here already. I felt quite vulnerable sitting outside, mother could come out at any point.

As soon as I saw the car pull up I lugged my bags across to the back of his car. The man, James, helped me with putting my suitcases into the trunk. As I made my way to the back seat, I turned to see the devil himself, Ethan, approach my old house. He gave me a wicked smirk and shouted out "Where you going, pretty thing", my whole body recoiled at the sight of him. I quickly jumped into the car and fastened my seatbelt. I could not get to the airport any faster.

Ethan was one of my mother's many boyfriends. She is what you call a 'maneater', or in my eyes a slut. I mean what 45 year old is still sleeping around with men when she has a child two doors down? Not only this, but it is almost as if she deliberately meets evil, cunning men. Ethan is probably my least favourite out of all of them. One time, when my mum was passed out on the couch from alcohol and drugs, Ethan came upstairs into the bathroom while I was showering. The rest is history, but I will never forget the night when my innocence was taken from me. I was only 8, I didn't truly understand it until we started learning about puberty and human anatomy in eighth grade. As James continues to drive, I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face. He looked into the rear view mirror, "you alright love?", he asked. I used my sleeve to wipe my tears as a croaked out a small, "yes thank you", God I can't wait to get there.

He dropped me off right outside of the domestic area, and brought my suitcases out for me. After I thanked him I continued my journey inside the airport, as I made my way to lineup for my boarding pass.


yayy!! Second chapter done, added in Lizzie's POV for this one, hopefully you guys like the twist with Scarlett and Lizzie's relationship. Please let me know your thoughts.

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