"I remember Alexia looking really concerned, like something was really wrong."

"Poor Blake. I hope whatever it is, she has someone there to support her. She deserves all the love and comfort in the world."

"It was so heartwarming to see Blake's face light up when she saw Alexia. You could tell she was overjoyed! 😊"
-> "I agree! But then when they hugged, it was like a switch flipped. Blake was in tears, and my heart just broke for her. 💔"

"Did anyone notice how worried Alexia looked when Blake started crying? It's like she knew something serious was going on. They didn't waste any time getting out of there. I hope everything's okay. 😔"
-> "Yes, Alexia's expression was so concerning. You could tell she cares a lot about Blake. I hope they're both okay. Sending them lots of love and strength. 💖"
-> "It must have been really intense for them to leave the airport in such a hurry. I hope they find the support and comfort they need wherever they're going. Stay strong, Blake and Alexia! 💪"

"Seeing them rush out like that was worrying. I hope it's nothing too serious and that they're both okay. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs, but having friends like Alexia can make all the difference. 🌈"

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The late afternoon sun streamed through the window of Alexia's cosy living room as Aurora and Alexia sat together, the weight of Aurora's recent heartbreak hanging heavily in the air.

"What happened, Aina?" Alexia asked gently, her eyes filled with concern as she looked at her friend.

Aurora took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly as she began to recount the painful saga that had unfolded between her and Leah.

"It's been almost two years, Ale," Aurora started, her voice heavy with emotion. "Two years of keeping us hidden, just waiting for Leah to make it official."

As Aurora spoke, memories of laughter and shared moments flooded her mind, intermingled with the sting of betrayal that now coloured their past.

"Then I went to England," Aurora continued, her voice wavering as she recalled the events that had shattered her world. "And everything changed. I saw messages from someone named Kayla on Leah's phone. I asked Alex Scott if she knew her, but she didn't. And then Alex told me..."

Aurora's voice trailed off, the pain of the revelation still fresh and raw.

"...that she saw them kissing," she finished, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alexia's expression softened, her heart aching for her friend as she listened to Aurora's heart-breaking tale.

"I know this might not be the best time to ask," Alexia began cautiously, her voice gentle. "But do you think Leah would have ended things with Kayla if you hadn't found out?"

Aurora's brow furrowed in thought, her mind swirling with uncertainty.

"I... I don't know, Ale," she admitted quietly. "Leah said she went to stop it, but... she didn't. So honestly, I don't know."

A heavy silence settled between them, the weight of Aurora's pain palpable in the air.

But amidst the uncertainty and heartache, there was also a glimmer of resolve.

"Well, regardless of what could have been," Alexia said, her voice tinged with determination, "let's focus on moving forward, yeah?"

Aurora nodded, a flicker of hope igniting within her. "Yeah... let's find a way to get over her."

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