9 - Rain

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The bright morning sun illuminated the room, peering through the still open curtains. The light was blinding to Frisk, who was still processing waking up. They reached over to their phone on the nightstand, checking the time. It read 9:43AM.

They glanced over to their other side, greeted by Chara, sitting up and scrolling through their phone.

"Good morning.", Frisk croaked.

"Good morning. Don't you sound lovely?" They didn't look up from their phone as they teased.

"I woke up five seconds ago." Frisk turned around, their back facing the other once more. They grabbed their phone, checking their notifications. They had quite a few, to say the least. All from the same contact name. Gun hat.

Frisk it's high noon it's 9 you are NOT HEREEE

... did you stand me up AGAIN


If i fail my math exam and martlet kills me you're held accountable

"Shit.", Frisk muttered. "I stood up Clover again."

"Call them, then."

"I will, I will." Frisk threw the bedsheets off of them, grabbing their shirt which laid on the floor. They pressed the call icon next to the nickname, putting the phone to their ear. "Hey- I know, I know. I just woke up."

Catching themselves staring at Frisk's semi-indecent figure, Chara quickly returned their attention to their phone. In an attempt to drown out the conversation, they thought back to the events of the previous evening.

They had kissed Frisk. Or rather, they had let Frisk kiss them. They had had their suspicions regarding the other's feelings, but now they had solid confirmation. Frisk was in love with them, and they were fairly sure the feeling was mutual.

The only thing holding them back was their own reluctance and unfamiliarity. Everything was going so fast, Chara couldn't help but use the word terrifying.

They were brought out of their daze by fingers snapping in front of them.

"Hellooo? Earth to Chara?"

"Sorry. I was zoned out."

"Yeah, I noticed." Frisk teased as they sat down next to Chara.

They still hadn't put on the damn shirt.

Chara averted their eyes to the bedroom door. "How was your conversation with Clover?"

"We're hanging out later today. They were annoyed I stood them up again, though."

"I would be too."

An eerie silence loomed over the two of them. Chara's eyes darted all over the room, anywhere but Frisk, whilst their eyes remained fixated on the T-shirt in their hands.

"Uhm...", Frisk started. "About, uh, yesterday..."

"... Do we have to talk about it?"

The sudden, cold comment made Frisk look up at them.

"Do you just not want to address anything?"

"We said what has to be said."

Chara didn't mean it bad. In a way, they were right. But Frisk could in no way deny that this didn't stung like hell. They jumped slightly when they felt a hand on theirs. A tear rolled down their cheek, unaware of its earlier presence to begin with.

"Come here." Chara pulled Frisk closer, wrapping them in a gentle hug. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I know.", they whispered. They sniffled.

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