Chapter Two- Don't Lie

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I don't know if anyone else would call this a talent or not, but I can lie with a straight face

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I don't know if anyone else would call this a talent or not, but I can lie with a straight face. I would lie through straight teeth so convincingly that no one even bothers to bat an eyelid.

But let's save my lying skills for another day, shall we? Because the two girls sitting in front of me, know me in and out. And to lie to them is to betray them, betray the trust among us. And I may be a lot of things, but a betrayer ain't one.

I took out my phone, opened the notes app, and cleared my throat.

Nisha whistled. "Shit's getting real deep bro, Ishaani has her notes app opened."

Anika tried to peer over my shoulder, but I smacked her away. "Have patience," I tutted.

I made sure that no one was around in the vicinity. It was a secluded spot in the park just behind a Banyan tree and I had chosen it particularly for this reason. No one would be able to hear whatever bomb I'm dropping next.

"So I've been researching," I begin.

Nisha and Anika exchanged a glance and smirked. "Go on." Nisha urged me to continue.

I frowned at them, but anyway continued. "I've been researching on doppelgangers and if the concept is real or not, so-"

"And this is all related to Ishaan?", Anika interrupted.

I smiled sheepishly, "You've got the gist, it seems."

Nisha butted in, "Hold on, Anika so are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"And what are you thinking?", Anika asked.

"That this dumbo is thinking of finding Ishaan's doppelganger for god-knows-what-reason!" Nisha screeched.

I shushed them and looked around if anyone heard anything. It was almost evening and the last of the children were returning home, the park would close in half an hour. I turned my attention back to my friends.

"Well when you put it like that, it sounds insane, but trust me I know what I am getting myself into." I reasoned.

Anika narrowed her eyes at me. "Let's say you found your brother's doppelganger. What would you do next?"

"What would you do next?" What would I do next? What should I do next?  Well, I haven't given it a thought yet, but in reality, what would be my next step, if I find my brother's doppelganger? The face might match, but the soul won't. It simply can't. Because every soul put on this earth is unique. From the second they are born, each person embarks on a journey that is distinctly their own, influenced by the people they meet, the challenges they face, and the choices they make. These experiences shape their personalities, perspectives, and values, creating a tapestry of diversity that enriches the fabric of humanity. Even in the vastness of existence, every soul shines with its light, contributing something special and irreplaceable to the world. Anyone might share the same face or the same name as Ishaan, but they won't be my dead brother, because no two individuals are exactly alike.

I said meekly, "I guess I just want to see his face again, see him breathing well and alive. I think I need this closure. And something in my gut says that Chicago is the place."

"Your gut is always upset," Anika pointed out.

Nisha burst out laughing and gave Anika a high-five. "That was a good one", Nisha said, still laughing.

I joined in their laughter. It felt like good old times when we would be giggling while the teacher turned her back around at us. With some people you don't have to pretend a fake smile, they bring out the best in you. For me, Nisha and Anika are among those people.

"Ishaani, on a serious note, what will you do if you don't find the doppelganger in Chicago?" Anika finally managed to say.

Nisha slapped her playfully on the shoulder and admonished her, "Fuck you bitch! Why have you always got something negative to say?",

Anika rolled her eyes, "I'm being a realist unlike you two dreamers."

I tore a piece of grass and started crushing it in between my fingers. "Well it's a large world, and I have got the rest of my life. Someday or the other I'll find him. If not, there's always the afterlife or wherever Ishaan went to."

Both snorted, and Nisha said, "How very optimistic of you."

"Thank you ma'am", I stood up and fake curtseyed.

They once again started giggling when suddenly a loud whistle interrupted us. The guard had come in to check if anyone was still lingering in the park.

"Get up, it's already 6:15.  The park closed 15 minutes ago." The guard swung his walking stick violently.

We quickly scrambled up, took our belongings, and made a run towards the exit. "The one to lose has to give the rest a treat!", I screamed and ran.

"Phew!" Nisha huffed once we were on the pavement. "That was a close one."

Anika asked me, "Do your college friends know about your dumb idea?"

I started walking with both of them on either side. "Nope, I will update them tonight. And yes, both Maithili and Ronica are going with me to Chicago! They've been selected too!"

"Oh thank God! At least there's somebody to keep you in line there then." Anika said dramatically.

Nisha sniffled, "Yeah we will be worried sick back here. You are our only child."

I guffawed and said, "Yeah yeah Ronica will keep both Maithili and me in line. You don't have to worry."

"Who else knows about this plan?" Anika asked.

I replied, "Just you two for now."

We reached in front of the general post office, where we would change directions. The girls took me in a hug, and whispered, "Don't go looking for danger. Be safe."

The first lie of the night came easily as I nodded to them. Because I, for a fact, knew that, in a few months I would be walking right into danger.

 Because I, for a fact, knew that, in a few months I would be walking right into danger

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A/N:  I hope you liked the 2nd chapter. Please leave a vote or a comment if you liked this one. It encourages me.

Ignore mistakes if any.

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