Chapter 1

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"Miss Barbara-sama! Where are you?"

Albert kept calling out for Barbara who was hiding. 'Sigh... I guess I have to wait until he gives up.' Barbara worriedly thought to herself as she sat down on the grass behind large tree she was hiding.

"Are you okay miss...?"

A unfamiliar voice was heard close to the spot Barbara was hiding at. 'Eh? Weird. I didn't hear the person's footsteps coming to my hiding spot...' Barbara looked up at the person who said that to her. She saw a man standing in front of her who was wearing black knight armor and mask that covered his whole face. Surprisely, instead of being scared of like the normal person would. Barbara did not fear the man.

"Well yes of course... Sir."

"Barbara-sama! Where are you?"

"Ah, would you do me a favor and be quiet. I don't want him to find out that I'm hiding here."

"And may I ask why?"

The tall figure told the still worried Barbara who was scared of the man who was looking for her.

"It's because... It's hard to explain but I'm an 'idol' and a lot of people usually go and talk to me. Even if I'm doing things and so-"

"So it's like he's like the same people who are bothering you."

"Um... Well I wouldn't say bothering. They just want to talk to me. That's all."


"Miss Barbara! Are you right here?"

Albert was running towards the hiding spot where Barbara and Capitano where at.

"Oh no... He's coming! Quick we need to-"

Before Barbara could even finish her sentence. Capitano picked her up and threw her up on the tree that they were both hiding behind. Luckily Barbara was quick enough to hold onto the piece of the branch of the tree. Barbara looked down at Capitano who put his finger close to the helmet of his mask and he replied with a simple 'shh...'

"Barbara- Oh... Hello there mr..."

Albert shakenly said to Capitano. The Fatui Harbinger himself could already tell that Albert was already scared of his appearance. Capitano looked back at Albert.

"May I ask you. What are you doing here."

Capitano knew what Albert's answer was going to be. However, he also knew that harming Albert was a bad idea since Barbara was still hiding up in that tree that Albert couldn't see as long as he didn't look up.

"Oh... Well I was looking for a girl named Barbara-sama! I know she's here and I was wondering if you have seen her somewhere here..."

"Unfortunately, I haven't seen this girl named 'Barbara-sama' however, it's best if you leave. A few Fatui Harbingers will be coming here for important matters and it's best to not get in their business if you stay here any long."

"Y-yes. I understand very well! I will be leaving."

Albert left after that. But Capitano made sure Albert was gone until he couldn't see him.

"Is he gone?"

"Yes he is gone."

"Oh thank goodness. Ah, would you mind and help me get off of this tree if you're able to..."

"Well yes of course."

Barbara watches as Capitano helps her get off the tree.

"Thanks for your help... But I should get going."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Well like you said. Fatui Harbingers are going to come here for important matters and I don't want to accidentally hear their conversation while I look for some things around here."

"Oh don't worry little one. I lie to what I told to that guy who was bothering you."

"Oh that's good to hear. I was worried about having to do my task for tomorrow instead of today!"

"Well I'm happy to hear that miss."

Capitano gently padded her head which made Barbara warmly smiled at him. After he was done padding her head a question came on his head.

"If you don't mind telling me but do you need help finding what you're looking for?"

"Well yes of course! I just need to find red Wolfhook berries since I want to make something out of it. However, I'm unsure if there's actually red Wolfhook berries since I wasn't able to do proper research on where they are always at..."

"Oh don't worry miss. There's actually some around here since I was able to see a few after going into this path."

"That's great!"

They two smiled at each. They both walked towards the location of where the red Wolfhook berries were at. They talked about things and Barbara had forgotten about what she was going to. Their conversation continue until it was night.


"I hope we met again..."

Barbara mumbled in her sleep. She had fallen asleep after her long conversation with Capitano who had carried her to the Favonius Cathedral.


"I think that might be her!"

One of the nun's quickly ran towards the door and open it. However she saw no one. She looked to her right and she saw Barbara quietly sleeping on the steps of the Favonius Cathedral.


Capitano was at fountain that was to the center of Mondstadt. He walked towards the exit from the Mondstadt entryway before turning around since he felt the presence of someone watching him. There he saw a woman at the fountain looking at him with her arms crossed. There was no expression on her face and it was instead a blank one. Capitano wave his hand to her but she didn't do it back. After that he left just that. Rosaria turn her head towards the moon.

"Let's hope she never meet's him ever again."

Rosaria whispered before walking towards the Favonius Cathedral to see if Barbara was fine with the nun's who were checking if she was hurt or not.

The end

• In the original title of the story. I was meant to name it "He will not come near you ever again." But I changed it afterwards.
• Inspired by @glvssviscera on TikTok who used to make Capitano and Barbara fanarts of them being friends!
• The story takes place before Barbara's Hangout Event.

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