First day

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     You're standing in front of the JYP Entertainment, right after finalizing your spot as a make-up artist for StrayKids. You can feel the knot growing bigger inside your stomach, you've never met 'StrayKids' nor do you even know what they look like.

      Once you make it into the building, you head over to the elevator, "level 4, room 7" you say to yourself, making sure you don't go wondering into the wrong room.

     There you were, level 4, room 7. You started reaching for the handle, hands slightly shaking , trying to keep yourself together. You want to make sure you have a good impression on the boys, it's your first time meeting them after all...

    You open the door and luckily, no one is there yet, only the staff.

"Hey! You're the new make-up artist right?"

"Yeah, I'm Y/N!"

      You say, trying to make yourself more bold than you really are. The staff are really kind to you so far. You hope they treat you well the whole time you work with them.

"The members will be here shortly, your station is right over here!"


     You saw her name tag as she walked you to your station. You thanked her and began to take in your surroundings, chairs, loud noises, a lot of laughter and talking, bright lights, and of course make-up.

     15 minutes later, you finished setting up your station, preparing yourself for the members. StrayKids arrived 5 minutes after you finished setting up your station, getting things prepared to make sure everything goes perfectly.

      All the members started coming in the room, one by one. There were two that caught your eye out of all 8 members. Their names are Felix and Hyunjin. Felix had blue hair, it suited him really well, along with his a charming demeanor, he also has the cutest freckles you've ever seen. They remind you of the stars. Then, theres Hyunjin, he had short blonde hair, he was well kept and really kind to the staff, and he has such a contagious smile.
     Felix decided to sit at your station, he really wanted to get to know you, you're the new staff and he wants you to feel at ease around everyone, especially him.

"I heard you're new,  what's your name?"

     He asks you, making sure to not break eye contact to make sure you dont feel like he doesn't actually care. But, of course, you cant keep the eye contact.

"Uhm my name..? It's uh Y/N."

You say, trying so hard to hold back how nervous you are. Hes so beautiful and handsome all at the same time and hes asking YOU, your name?!?!?!

"Wow thats a really unique name!"

      Felix has so much enthusiasm, you cant help but fall into his sweet words. His accent mixed with the compliment, was making you really shy and fall in love at first sight. There was only one problem though...

Staff may not become infatuated with their designated idol NOR may the staff respond on their sentiments for the idol.
(stated on your contract)

At first you thought that you wouldn't even fall in love with any of them. But now, you wish that wasn't a rule you had to follow because, deep down, you knew you would break that rule one day. You already had so many strong emotions for two of the idols you're working with.

"Thank you Felix!"

You say holding back how nervous you are and how much you want to just explode with the enjoyment you have inside of you.

"So , Y/N, for my makeup, try to not cover up my freckles too much and make sure that you make my eyes look nice for STAY"

Who would want to cover your freckles?!?!?

You thought to yourself while looking at his bare face, he's so beautiful.

Their concert was about to begin, so you had to hurry and complete his makeup look while there was hair stylists doing his hair at the same time. You managed to finish and went home after the concert. You couldn't stop thinking about how Felix said your name, the way it just rolled off his tongue so naturally. Y/N. You just couldn't get him out of your head.

                        •          •          •        •     


Your friend Jess yelled, in the middle of a restaurant.

"Shut up Jess, god damn it"

"Do you think you could hook me and Ali up with one hm?"

Jess was looking at you with a slight smirk. You felt a little joy because, there in fact was someone perfect the two of them. Chan would go great with Jess and Seungmin would match Ali really well.

"I'll think about it"

You say as you pay for the bill.

   You all began walking home together laughing and talking about what might happen tomorrow, and the two girls were just as excited for you to go see StrayKids again.


  This is my first ff guys. Im also rly sorry if theres anything like weird sounding in there😭. I hope y'all enjoy the next chapters ahead and this one! This was recommended to me so if you have more recommendations lmk!!

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