3. New chapter

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There's always that one person who leaves you battered and bruised, a wound that refuses to heal. After you left, the world felt like it was waiting for the dawn in the darkest night. I enclosed myself in loneliness, in a season that didn't exist, like a butterfly with clipped wings bidding farewell to roses. It's hard to believe all of this, but I have to accept it. Months later, I slowly stepped out of the 7-11 where I worked, and into a nearby bar. I had just turned 18, spending my birthday alone. In the bar, I met a man who asked:

"What's wrong?"

This man had just finished work, dressed in a suit with his briefcase on the floor, young but with a mature aura.

"Nothing, just broke up with my girlfriend." I replied calmly.

"What should I call you?" he continued.

"I'm Li Haoyang."

"Then I'm Lin Zhihai," he answered.

"Are you my sister's ex-boyfriend?" he asked.

"Are you Lin Yuqing's brother?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's me."

After a few drinks, I started feeling a bit drunk, and suddenly passed out. When I woke up, I found myself lying on a large bed, surrounded by unfamiliar yet familiar surroundings. My head hurt a bit, and the door opened, and in came Lin Zhihai, holding a glass of water.

"You're finally awake. You drank too much last night, so I brought you to my place."

"Really sorry."

"Here, have some water. Breakfast is ready downstairs, go ahead and eat whatever you want."

After finishing the water, I walked downstairs to find a sumptuous breakfast already laid out on the table. At that moment, I didn't know how to express my gratitude and the deeper feelings I had for him. This meal was better than anything I had eaten before. After enjoying these delicious dishes, I deeply thanked Mr. Lin and exchanged contact information with him. Eventually, I left his place. On the way to school, I deeply reflected on my feelings for him, like a flower blooming in my heart, warm and beautiful. In that faint longing, I found the poetry of life and the call of the distant. When he came into view, the whole world brightened up. It felt as if I existed for him, and that liking him was like a seed quietly taking root in my heart, eventually blossoming into a beautiful flower. It was sweet and refreshing, like the first taste of ice cream in summer. My thoughts fluttered like butterflies in a garden, dancing happily because of that happiness. Thinking about this, my face involuntarily blushed, just like when I first met Lin Yuqing. I think this is what it feels like to like someone.

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