The x Hunter x Exam

Start from the beginning

"The name's Gon. It's nice to meet you", the spiky haired boy greets, extending his hand for me to shake. I do so, glad not everyone here seems to want to kill me. "These are Kurapika and Leorio", he says, pointing to the blonde teen and then the suited-up man.

"Nice to meet you", Kurapika greets, remaining formal. He seems stiff but he's friendly enough. Leorio meanwhile is still freaking out over Koraidon.

"What the heck is this thing? Some kinda overgrown iguana?!", Leorio shouts, approaching Koraidon and poking him directly on the snout. Koraidon let's out an 'AGIAS', making Leorio stumble back. Gon raises a hand for Koraidon to sniff, which the lizard does before licking the boy's face in greeting.

"See, mostly harmless, unless you're a sandwich", I joke.

"Oh, another new face", a new voice adds. I look to see a short, fat man with a big nose approaching me. Koraidon immediately starts growling and steps forward. The man chuckles nervously and holds his hands up in surrender.

As he's talking to Gon's group, a sudden scream of agony pierces the air, catching the attention of everyone in the room. We turn to the scream and I'm immediately horrified to see a man whose arms have been cut clean off above the elbow. Koraidon starts growling and his tail lashes violently, smashing into the floor and leaving a small dent in the concrete. Everyone close to the man backs away, leaving only a man dressed similarly to a clown in the center. The clown man has white clothes and bright pinkish-red hair, with curly blue shoes, and a star and teardrop painted on his face. His golden eyes are squinted as he casually says, "Now you see them, now you don't", in reference to the fallen man's arms.

I move as close to Koraidon as I can, feeling my anxiety shoot up to full blown panic. Koraidon is still growling, and moves in front of me protectively, refusing to budge even as the man walks away.

"Great, the psychopath is back again", the fat man remarks with audible disgust and fear, "Number 44, Hisoka the magician. He damn near passed last year, till he attacked and nearly killed an examiner he didn't like."

"K-killed?", I stammer, gulping as I started to sweat. What the hell had I gotten myself into coming here? I could die?!

As I struggle to control my breathing, I feel eyes on me again. I turn to the crowd of people and see a man dressed in green staring at me, his entire body pierced by needles. His skin is a VERY unhealthy shade of greyish-purple, as though all of his circulation has been cut off. He doesn't blink once as he stares, and he starts moving closer. Before I can descend into a full blown panic attack, a loud buzzing alarm catches everyone's attention. Standing at the front of the group is a strange man with no visible mouth wearing a purple suit several shades darker than his fancy curled hair.

Once he has everyone's attention he shouts, "The Hunter Exam will now begin! Is everyone ready? Good! Please follow me!"

He then turns and starts walking in a strange fashion with his limbs fully stretched out, like a cross between a march and a skip. I take a few deep breaths as we start walking, following the man as we travel down the tunnel. To make things easier I hop on Koraidon's back, easily keeping pace. As I move up to the front, I make sure to keep a healthy distance between me and the two resident psychos. The examiner introduces himself as Satotz, before increasing his pace to match a light jog. I can feel multiple glares aimed at me, no doubt due to my advantage of using Koraidon. Plus Im not the only one with a ride, as there's a white-haired kid with a skateboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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