Burn Alive (Part 6)

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"Before we go, I got you something," Van said, retreating back to his room. He later emerged with a carrier bag and he grabbed the roses from the kitchen. "I wasn't sure what chocolates you like so I got you a lot."

He was clearly flustered when he gave her the roses and chocolates. She took the carrier bag from him, looked inside, and was surprised at the amount of chocolates she received. She then took the roses, gave them a good whiff, and hugged the bouquet against her chest. She's received flowers and chocolates from many people before but there was something different about this time.

"Thank you," she said, feeling guilty.

They went down to the parking garage where Van parked his car and Willow was a bit embarrassed to get in. She was used to luxury cars, not whatever this was. Luckily there was no one around to see.

"We can put the chocolates in the back," Van offered when he saw her struggling to get in the car. He opened the back door and took the bag from her so all she was left with was the roses.

Despite the car being old on the outside, it was surprisingly clean and kept in good condition on the inside. Van turned on the radio and asked if there was something she wanted to listen to but she shook her head. He found a station and kept the volume low.

"Do you like Italian food?" he asked. "There's a restaurant right by the park that I go to. It's run by a lovely couple and the funny thing is that her mum's still in the kitchen. She's got to be a hundred and still cooking!"

"Is she really a hundred?" Willow asked incredulously.

"No, I was just teasin' but she cooks a mean scran."

Willow found Van's humor amusing. Most men she's dated were quite serious with her; they were afraid to joke with her in fear of upsetting her. They found parking and Van ran around to the other side to open the door for her. She hasn't experienced this kind of chivalry in a while. She held her hand out and he took it, supporting her as she pulled herself up. When they entered the restaurant, a booming voice greeted them.

"Ciao bello!" A woman with warm eyes and a cheery expression greeted them. She saw Van first and then noticed Willow. She had to do a double take as she was shocked by her beauty. "And who's this?" Van was at a loss for what to say so Willow helped him.

"I'm a friend of his."

Van's expression changed to one of disappointment but it was brief and he recovered back to his smiling self. But it was clear the damage was done. She hurt his feelings but it didn't feel right to say they were on a date when he was under a spell.

"It's nice to meet you. Van usually comes by himself so I'm surprised he brought someone. Why don't I give you a table by the window?"

She grabbed two menus and walked them over to a table by the window. Willow sat down before Van could pull the chair out for her. As romantic the gesture was, she could seat herself and didn't want the woman to have the wrong impression. Van sat down across from her. When their eyes met, he quickly looked down at the menu. There was a change in Van's demeanor. Earlier, he was happy and carefree. Now he was confused and cautious.

Willow flipped through the menu. It was no upscale restaurant which was what she was used to and she didn't know that food could be that cheap. Her eyes immediately went to the seafood but then other things caught her attention. She ended up choosing something she never thought she'd order in a million years. Chicken pesto pasta with sun-dried tomatoes. She loves pesto but her parents discourage her from eating it, suggesting something more expensive. And she couldn't resist getting an Italian soda, something she's always dreamed of trying as a child. As soon as she was old enough to drink, her parents gave her the most expensive wines to try. Van looked up from the menu.

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