Black Glass (Part 1)

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Request: "Just read this ask about having a band and touring with the lads and I was thinking,,,, what about a fic out of this? 😅 Some gal in an indie rock band rising opening for them .."

Probably not what you had in mind but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. x



December 2017
Tokyo, Japan

My hair was still damp from the shower but I was set on having my after-gig ciggy. I looked through my coat pocket and found my cigarettes and lighter and made my way towards the back door. The cool night air hit me and I was surprised to see Bondy. He and Benji usually finish smoking by the time I'm done showering.

"Fancy seeing you here," I greeted, placing a fag in my mouth and lighting it. Bondy was just about done with his.

"Yeah, I took a shortcut and came across some fans so I spent ten minutes or so taking photos and signing things. Look at what they gave me." Bondy held up green Kit Kats and upon closer inspection, I saw they were wasabi flavored so I made a face. "Do ya reckon I can get Larry to try 'em? They can pass as green tea, right?"

"He's not stupid," I replied, chuckling. "Give 'em to Benji. He likes that flavor."

"Would you eat one on a dare?" Bondy questioned, smirking.

He held a piece out, taunting me. I am not a fan of wasabi. Why someone thought it'd be a good idea to make wasabi flavored Kit Kats, I've no idea.

"Only if you eat one," I replied, grinning.

"Let's do it then!"

I grabbed the Kit Kat from him and questioned why I agreed to this but I figured it wouldn't hurt.

"I don't have water with me. Hold on," I said.

"No cheating! You can't drink anything."

"If I'd known that, I wouldn't have agreed!"

"Man up, Van."

We both opened the sweet and discarded the wrapper in the bin. On the count of three, we put it in our mouth and chewed. It wasn't as bad as I thought—nothing like the real wasabi but it still wasn't my favorite.

"I can't believe Benji likes this flavor," I complained.

"He didn't say he liked it, just that it's not as bad as he thought," Bondy corrected.

"He's mad either way."

I stuck my cigarette back in my mouth, glad that I could count on Lambert and Butler to make the taste go away. Bondy finished his cigarette and stubbed it out in the ash tray. Even though he was done, he stayed to keep me company.

We tend to do this, Bondy and I. When we're long done smoking, we'd talk about music. Bondy has the most interesting taste in music. It's always something new with him. Some of his recommendations are hit or miss but I appreciate him sharing new music with me.

"On another episode of music recommendations you didn't ask for, I've been into the band Black Glass lately. Have you heard of 'em?" Bondy asked, taking out his phone.

"Black Glass? Never heard of 'em," I replied, blowing out a plume of smoke.

"They're an indie band from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Their songs are class. They just released a new song called 'Sweet Dreams.' Here, have a listen."

Bondy found the YouTube video and pressed play. The first thing I noticed were the drums which I'm always drawn towards. And then you could hear the guitars which were heavy. What I didn't expect was a female to be singing which caught me off guard. Her voice was gritty yet angelic, a strange combination and I was intrigued as I've never heard anything like it. I leaned closer to look at the video but it was just an animation. They no doubt hired an artist to make their video which was well done.

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