Chapter 4: What Happened to Him?

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The three Autobots arose at the same-ish time. They quickly found themselves with the cuffs and the blindfold that Bumblebee had put on them. The next thing they heard was Steeljaw's voice. "Are you awake now?" Their heads respond to the wolf. "You are awake." Steeljaw chuckled in a menacing way.

"You can't hold us, Steeljaw," Optimus told him.

"We'll get out," Jazz continued.

"Good luck with that," Steeljaw mocked. "Those cuffs are strong enough to hold a twenty dinobots!"

"Alright," Windblade started, "then what's with the blindfold?" Steeljaw didn't answered. "Just be glad I'm not going to kill you." Steeljaw then roared, "EVEN AFTER THE CADET SHOT ME!"

"Steeljaw," Optimus began, "what is going on? And did the same thing that happened to you happened to Bumblebee?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, Prime," Steeljaw said cocky. 

"Yeah, that's why he's asking," Jazz told him. Steeljaw turned and started to walk away.

Bumblebee, Optimus began in his mind, please have not suffered to same fate as Steeljaw. If he only knew. After an hour or two ... they heard footsteps, but they weren't Steeljaw's.

"Who's there?!" Windblade demanded. No response. Then a tapping noise came to their audio receptors. It took Optimus a few minutes to realize it was a code.

"Bumblebee?" Optimus called out.

The tapper replied, No, he's not abord this ship. A lie blind to hold back any truth. 

"What happened to him?" Optimus asked. No response. "Please! I need to know."

The tapper replied, He's ... not the way you remember him. Physically. The reply sent a chill down Optimus's spine.

"What...? Wait!" The tapper was starting to walk away. Leaving them alone and two questions echoing in Optimus's mind. What happened to Bumblebee? What physical changes was he talking about?

"What he say?" Jazz asked.

"That Bumblebee isn't the way we remember him. Physically" Optimus's own words hurt him. Images of what could've happened to the Autobot tormented his mind. Was he was alive but heavily scared? Were his eyes ripped out? Were his limps torn off? Or was his Voice box ripped out? Millions of gruesome images happening to his son hunting him like ghosts. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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