Chapter 2: Seen

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Years later

Its been raining all night. All night .... Steeljaw staring out to the falling water through the windshield. They were back on Earth, but no one knew they were there. Steeljaw's mind was wandering from one thing to another. He turns to look at the sleeping Bumblebee. His breaths he took were almost in silence. Steeljaw sighed heavily. It wouldn't hurt to leave him for a while. I'm only going for a run after all. Steeljaw stood up, walked through their ship, and out into the rain. The water soaking into his fur. The wet grass and mud against his paws. He lifts his head straight up and smiled. For a long moment ... Steeljaw let the droplets fall into his thick coat. Lowering his head, he stretched and getting into position ... he took off. He ran through the forest. He smiles with his eyes closed. Reopening them, he hears someone. Someones. Slowing to a walk, he follows the sound of voices.

To his find none other than Bumblebee's old team and Team Prime. He hides in the thicket. "Fixit," Strongarm calls over comms, "are you sure Steeljaw is here with a ship?"

"Yes," Fixit replied over comms. "The footage we received said that a cybertronian ship was seen there, and a creature was prowling the woods and attacking livestock." He paused as he moved the holographic picture in front of him. "And while it's in array ... it shows Steeljaw." Fixit's attention moves to Steeljaw's feet. "Hmm, though ... I can't understand why Steeljaw's feet are a different shape."

"We'll ask-" Strongarm started.

"There he is!" Grimlock injected. Steeljaw popped up before bolting off. The two teams chased after him.

This is bad, Steeljaw thought. This is really, really bad! He heard the Autobots transform, but when he glanced back ... Optimus was missing. He turned his head, but unexpectedly ... Optimus shot out from the rain and forced Steeljaw backwards. He splashes into a mud puddle and the Autobots look upon him with confusion.

"Steeljaw?" Sideswipe began.

"Hello ... Autobots," Steeljaw snarled.

"What ... happened to you?" Grimlock finished.

"I was turned into an organic mutant," Steeljaw answered as he was starting to get up.

"Stay ... down," Strongarm said harshly. Steeljaw ignore her and as a result ... she fired at his shoulder. It was meant to be a warning ... but it turned into an unintentional wound.

"AAAAAH!" Steeljaw flew his claw onto his shoulder. "WHAT THE FRAG WAS THAT FOR?!" he growled as he whipped his body to Strongarm. "Aaah..." He inhaled sharply through his teeth.

"I didn't mean to-" Strongarm froze in words and movement. Steeljaw heard a whistle, and he turned his head. It was Bumblebee, he was waving his hand in a 'get over here, NOW!' gesture and face expression. Steeljaw trotted over to his friend. Bumblebee made Steeljaw turn to make his back to face him.

"Come on," Bumblebee told him. They headed in the direction of their ship, and after about an hour or two, the Autobots resumed their motions. "Hurt- ... Where he go?!" Strongarm exclaimed for everyone.

They looked in all sorts of directions. "There!" Jazz called out as he pointed to Steeljaw's pawprints. They followed the prints until they saw Bumblebee's footprints.

"Who's is that?" 

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