Dang Street Dogs

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July 1995

As I snook into the venue all i could hear was the ending of their soundcheck which made me stop in the shadows and watch. The boys have worked so hard for this moment and I could not be more prouder for them. I decided to step out when I saw this beautiful Hispanic woman mesmerized by them. "They are pretty great aren't they? They have been waiting for this moment since they began." I walked over to her and smiled only to get a nod back from her. "They are great, trust me I would know after how many performances I see here." I looked over at them as they have not noticed I am here yet. "I'm Ash short for Ashlynn, I'm the monkey in the back playing the drums sister. Twin sister to be exact but I don't like to consider us twins since I know I'm better looking." I joked, she started giggling softly so she did not interrupt the boys. I'm glad she knew I was joking because the amount of people that glare at me when I say that just makes me cringe. Then again I probably should not be saying that to the fans of the boys... Oh well.

"Nice to meet you Ash, I'm Rose. You must be proud of them, they really are great. They have something that people could only wish to have." She explained politely, i have to remember to get her number she seems like someone that I could easily be friends with. Our conversation got cut short as we saw that the boys played their final tunes on their instruments, all we could be was cheer and clap. "Thank you we are Sunset Curve." Reggie pointed at Rose with a wink. Reggie, what can I say about him? Big flirt? Yes i can say that, he even tried with me in which i had to remind him that I am his best friend's twin sister so he would just be dating his best friend in a nut shell which made him back off. Do not get me wrong Reggie is very attractive however, the one I have a thing for is Luke which I will never admit. "Look who decided to finally make an appearance." My blonde hair monkey laughed which made all the other boys aware that I was here. "Haha, sorry I was late i had to deal with obsessed fans and a security guard just to get in here. Let's not mention how long of a walk it was from here from the Diner." I rolled by eyes walking up to Alex giving him a hug which everyone followed after. I had to get a job at the Diner after dropping out of high school with Alex when he decided to follow his dreams of being in the band. I couldn't let him do this alone even though it was with his best friends. This ended up with me disowned by my parents but i could care less now even though it hurt in the beginning.

"Excuses i swear." Bobby joked with me only to earn a punch in the shoulder back. "You guy's were great though, i can't wait to see you guys go on tonight. I'm so proud of you." I smiled looking around at them. "You guys were on fire." Alex nonchalantly looked at Reggie only for Reggie to respond back with a, "Can you own your awesomeness for once?" All i could do was smile, I am so glad they have one another they made their own family and have been so strong together. "Alright, I was killing it." Alex smiled widely and Luke gripped his shoulders. "Well I'm thinking we fuel up before the show, I'm thinking street dogs." Luke explained, not street dogs again... The boys were thrilled with this idea of food so I kept my mouth shut, soon it will be no more street dogs for us. Just as I was about to open my mouth Bobby hopped off the stage and tried to walk cool to Rose. All of the boys here are big flirts, they learned not to cross the line with me after the comment I made to Reggie though. However, I wish Luke would flirt with me but I know he only sees me as a sister that he never had sadly. Oh well, crushes come and go right?

As we all followed Bobby toward Rose he looked at us and said, "I'm good, I'm a vegetarian I could never hurt an animal." My mouth just dropped and I looked around at the other three boys. "He just ate a hamburger recently..." I whispered to Luke who held in a laugh. Rose ignored what Bobby said and told the boys that what she said to me about them being good and all that. After that I walked away to give the boys some privacy to fawn over her minus Alex, which i can admit hurt me a tad watching Luke do it but aye what can I say. As I stood from a far I was able to take in Lukes attire that made my heart swoon. White cut off tank top, a bandana tied to his arm, and black jeans while caked with sweat. He looked good minus the sweaty part that was just blah but knowing he worked up that sweat from playing his heart out made me smile. As I snapped into reality I watched as the boys gave her a t-shirt and one of their CD's but Rose looked at me and winked. I think she caught me staring at Luke.. "HEY HOW COME WHEN I ASK FOR ONE I DON'T GET ONE WITH YOU GUYS SAYING 'YOU GET THE REAL THING' BUT WHEN ROSE COMPLIMENTS YOU SHE GETS BOTH A CD AND A T-SHIRT." I yelled over at them pouting with my arms crossed against my chest. All i earned was a laugh from the boys and a head ruffle from my brother.

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