Part 7

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The weekend

We arrived at the beach house, as soon as we walked into the house I smelt cologne, funny it was the same kind I smelt in my car the other day that's strange, Robert said nice place, I didn't want to tell him this was James's beach house before we got married. I told the boys after we put their things away, we'll go out on the beach, Robert told me just take the kids out he'll put things away. I said okay and just join us when he gets things put away, we went outside, and the boys ran towards the water, I told them don't get to close and they need to change into their trunks.

I waved at Robert he's up in the twin's room, he waved back, I thought I saw someone in the master bedroom looking out, maybe the people who opened the house are still here. I told the boys let's go into the house and get changed and we can come back out and play, PJ said where's Bandit, I told him he's probably just running around he'll come back, for now let's get changed, we went into the house, Robert came down and said he just heard the front door close.

I told him I thought I saw someone in the master bedroom when I looked up at him, I think the people who opened the house might have still been here, I told the boys let's get changed, Robert said he'll put the food away and he'll get the grill ready, we started to go upstairs and Robert said oh I had the fridge stocked for the weekend.

I told the boys to go on up I'll be there in a minute, I went to the kitchen and looked, there was a half bottle of wine in there and the fridge is full of food. I told Robert I didn't tell anyone to stock the fridge, Robert said if the people who opened the house didn't stock the fridge who did is his question.

The boys called me, Robert told me just go help the kids he'll start the grill, I went upstairs and helped the boys, it is odd that the fridge is full and the cologne I smelt when we came in was the same as what I smelt in my car.

The boys got changed and I took them out, Robert had the grill going, the boys were playing in the sand, it still bothered me that the fridge is full, and there was a half bottle of wine which means someone was drinking it. Bae came down and told me to get changed into my trunks he'll keep an eye on the twins, I told him I'll be right back and went in the house. I walked in the bedroom and the bed wasn't made fuck was someone sleeping here, this shit is creepy, I got changed and went back outside, bae looked around and kissed me and said he'll check on the steaks.

I played with the boys, I started thinking the last time we were here James had just come back from killing someone, fuck could he had been here all this time, and left when he saw us.

 Robert hollers the food is ready come and get it, I told the boys let's wash our hands and eat, we'll come back and play, PJ said where's Bandit, I looked around and said he's probably running on the beach he'll come back when he's ready. We went to the house and got washed and ate, bae asked me is something wrong, I told him we'll talk about it later, in fact I have to make a quick call.

I went upstairs and called grandfather, I told him what was going on here and has he heard anything about where James might be, he said no it's like he disappeared off the earth and his men can find anybody. I told him I'm afraid James might have been here and could still be around, grandfather asked me did I feel comfortable staying here, I told him I don't think if James were around he wouldn't hurt the kids, he said but what about me if I think James is around he had to have seen Robert, he's going to make a call and send some of his men over just in case, I told him okay and thanks.

I hung up and went back downstairs, Robert asked me is everything alright, I looked at the twins, I told him I'll feel him in later, he looked at the boys, and said if there finished, we could have ice cream if it's okay with me, I told him it's fine.

I kept looking out at the beach, damn could James be out there someplace watching us, Robert came back and said the boys are fine now what's going on, I told him what I felt, he said we can leave if I want, I told him grandfather is sending some men here and I don't want to ruin it for the boys, like I told my grandfather I don't think James will do anything.

 He said my grandfather must think he will if he's sending men here,  Robert said he'll protect us if James is around, I told him the men are for his protection, there's a lot about James I didn't tell him, let's just say he takes care of things for our family if need be. Robert said he knows what I'm talking about, his family has someone like that who works for them, and he can take care of himself. We heard a noise outside I jumped, Robert went to the patio doors, I told him to be careful, he opened the door and said it's just Bandit he ran into the house. The boys called me, and I went to the kitchen they both said Bandit there you are, PJ asked me can Bandit have ice cream, Chandler said dogs don't eat ice cream, I said maybe later Bandit needs to eat his dog food.

There's a knock on the door , I looked at Robert he told me he doesn't think you know who would knock on the door, I said he's right I answered the door two men were standing there one of them said Mr. Alexander,  I said yes that's me, he said my grandfather sent them they'll be one of them out front and another will be out back, and they'll sleep in the guard house if we need them. I said thanks and closed the door, I felt better knowing they were out there.

Later I gave the boys a bath and we made popcorn, an hour later they both fell asleep, we took them upstairs and put them to bed, I told Robert now that there asleep he can sleep with me, he said he'll put things away and be right back, I told him I'll freshen up I'm kind of tired myself.

 I took a shower, and afterwards I got dried off and went in the bedroom and laid across the bed, the lights went out and I felt hands rubbing my back, I said yes bae that feels good you know just what I needed thanks babe. His finger rubbed my hole, I said I know what he wants.

He stopped and I asked him why he stopped, I turned around and he was gone, I just laid back down, Robert is probably getting cleaned up so he can get some of this ass, I did get up and close the door I don't want the boys seeing their daddy face down ass up.

 I could hear Robert walking around, the door came open he said damn dessert time, and he used his tongue on my hole and after that I felt his dick going in me, I said yes fuck me good, I need that dick, bae fucked the shit out of me and I needed it, we both came, bae pulled out of me and went to the bathroom. I got up and joined him we washed each other's bodies, after we finished we got back in bed and held each other we just went to sleep.

The next morning the boys came busting in the room, I looked over and Robert wasn't in bed, he probably went for a run, I said good morning guys, they said good morning back, PJ asked me why I didn't come in the room and give him a hug last night when I was standing in the hall, I said son I wasn't in the hall last night, maybe it was Robert, he said oh, I told them to go back to their room and I'll be in and help them get washed up.

Robert must've checked on them and PJ thought it was me, I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, I washed up, I put something on and went to get the boys washed up, I helped them get dressed and we went downstairs, the men were having coffee one of them told me that Robert went for a run on the beach they'll be outside if I need them.

I asked the twins what they wanted for breakfast, they both said pancakes like there daddy use to make them, I asked them why they said that Chandler said his daddy did make them pancakes the last time we were here remember. I told them I remember, and we'll have bacon too, I gave them milk and started on the pancakes, Robert came in with Bandit, PJ said we're having pancakes, Robert said he already fed Bandit, he'll take a quick shower and be right back.

I asked him did he check on the boys last night he said no, why, I said I just wondered, he went upstairs, fuck maybe James was here. But what if it wasn't him and someone else has been staying here.

After breakfast I talked to the men and told them to keep an eye on the house, we're going to the movies later, one of them said he was told to go wherever we go. I told him fine, and I think someone was in the house last night make sure they check things out tonight, I went and played with the boys on the beach, I still didn't like that someone could've been in the house, I don't know if it was James or someone else.

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