S1 PT7: Acropolis City

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The Shelter, 2 days later

N is sitting on a chair, Reading a book with V, while R sits on his lap. R is curiously listening to N reading out loud, V is leaning on his shoulder with closed eyes, just resting and listening. N reads with a content smile and slightly tired eyes. Relaxed.

They stop reading, because its time to go outside!

V, N and R venture into the streets. R is wearing his black shirt on white buttons as always. V carries R in her arms, With N, she glides up into the night sky with R in her arms. They fly for a hundred kilometers or so, before landing somewhere near Acropolis City's center. Ruined and desolate snowy apartment buildings stand in the district.

R, as always. Starts to explore. R really likes exploring the buildings, greeting the human skeletons and seeing what he can scavenge.

R takes a look. He decides to venture inside an apartment building right before him. He uses the stairs because his tiny wings aren't strong enough to make him fly. R explores every apartment. N and V sit outside, basking in the coldness of the streets. Trying to rest, and listening to what's happening inside the building, just incase their son has problems or gets hurt.

R enters an apartment on the 5th floor.

"Hi Mr. skeleton!"

R greets the frozen human skeleton, right in front of the door. Seems like he died when he was about to leave for work. R pushes him aside and explores the apartment. Trying to find anything that is interesting to him or a toy. He finds a toy tank. He takes it with him.

"Thanks for the toy mr. skeleton junior!" R puts the toy tank in his bag

R leaves the bedroom, where a frozen skeleton of a child sits. He continues exploring all the way till the last floor. Floor 25.

He looks out of the balcony of an apartment on floor 25. He is very careful. As V and N warned him that any of the structure here can collapse at any given moment. R puts his bag near and takes a look. It is a beautiful sight. Urban landscapes... Highways frozen in time, and skyscrapers towering in the central part of Acropolis City. Where the worker drone colonies form a single underground city, the biggest worker drone colony on Copper-9. (No wonder they have enough resources to construct howitzers and armored vehicles)

R goes back to the 1st floor, it took him around 2 hours to explore the whole building.

N is hugging V and kissing her on the lips outside.

"Eww, daddy what are you doing with mommy?? Hehehe!" R playfully giggles.

N stops kissing V and lets R run over to them and hug. Without a word. But with a warm smile.

"Sooo Sweetie, what did you find in there~?" V softly asks R.

R shows some interesting stuff and toys he scavenged today. He opens his bag and shows some of the toys, the frozen toy tank, a doll, and etc. Then, he shows some interesting stuff, like pictures and calendars. And even some jewelry. R likes how the jewels shine.

V asks him if he wants to go to the next building? Usually, R explores 2 buildings everyday.

R just wants to explore now.

"No, I don't wanna... I wanna explore! explore!"

V, N and R continue flying. They visit monuments, like that one dog statue for the National "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" day. Offices, and police departments.

N and V warm up the guns there to UN-jam the frozen firearms. R isn't old enough to be able to transform his hands into any kind of firearm or ranged weapon yet, so he likes to try out the pistols!

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