Chapter 14: Trapped

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There was barely any light, yet the minimal morning light that got by the small windows was enough to wake him up.

He opened his eyes, seeing the bottom of the higher section in that double-decked bed.

He felt dizzy, confused, he tried to recall what happened last night.

Yesterday, he was at the resistance's shrine, it'd make sense if they had double-decked beds considering their high numbers and low space.

But this couldn't be the resistance's shrine, the wall was metallic, the light blue floor was clean, and he wasn't in a room.

After turning his head, he remembered.

That was a cell.

Why did they leave the safety of the shrine in first place?

...The previous night...

"So, will you consider it at least?" -Ventomon's could be heard as many digimons were walking from one side to another, they were at the temple's base, the only source of light being the moon.

"No promises." -Calizmon replies, they were somewhat far from the rest of the digimons, accompanying them were Growlmon, Miura, and Aspen.- "We have our own mission to accomplish at the other side of the digiworld."

"Be aware that MAGAMI won't stop now, they'll eventually conquer everything." -Replies Ventomon, looking with his arms crossed at Calizmon moving his wings to get them warmed up- "No place out there will be safe, especially for a human."

"The digiworld isn't known for being a walk in the park." -Calizmon answers, more serious. -"Sorry pal, we appreciate the help, but we won't take part in this fight."

"I see..." -Ventomon looks at Growlmon, who just nods while looking down with his arms crossed, and Miura, who walks up to Aspen to say goodbye, the mantis then talks again- "...Have a good trip, we also thank you for saving Miura."

Miura and Aspen then stretch hands, it seemed like the former just gave up in trying to recover the old Aspen he knew, it was probably unexplainable in a way he could believe, but it was what it was.

"Well, Mark, just like Ventomon said, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you 2 saving me." -Miura slighty smiles- "Thank you."

"You're welcome, happy to help." -Aspen returns the smile as he looks at the moon, he though they would at least wait for tomorrow's morning to go back to the east sector, where Tyranno Valley was, to resume their search for portals, but Calizmon insisted in leaving that night, probably in order to avoid being involved in the battle against Suzaku City- "We also have to thank you all for the hospitality, and of course... For also saving our lives."

"Anytime..." -A noise coming from the jungle attracts the attention of both humans, but as it turns out, it was just a member of the resistance coming from his guard.

Aspen noticed Miura especially alert when that happened, the black-haired boy then sighs and looks at Aspen again.

"Sorry, guess I'm a bit nervous..." -Miura scratches the back of his head-

"You sure you want to do this?" -Aspen knew Miura was going to take part in the battle, and probably in the whole conflict against MAGAMI.

"I took my decision a long time ago, a good friend of mine made me realize I made the right call." -Miura turns at the upper part of the temple, remembering that time he talked with Aspen Leonard 2 years ago, that, at the same time, reminded him of the amulet in his pocket- "Oh, right... I think I forgot to show you..."

But just as he was getting his hand in the pocket, a strong light made him cover his eyes, it was Calizmon digievolving into Airdizmon, before approaching Aspen.

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