Chapter 9: Reality Check

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The city of Asuka was still smoking at the afternoon, the fight ended a long time ago, with some small skirmishes at the outskirts and the forest. But the consequences were terrible.

Many houses and shops that once shone with their historic beauty were now reduced to debris, many items and food were now on the floor, many fires were still yet to be extinguished, and many digimons were still recovering from their injuries... At least they were lucky compared to the ones that got desintegrated.

The lights turned on prematurely as guards and workers were still doing rescue and repair missions, aquatic digimons did what they could to put off the fires, while strong digimons like Knightmons were used to open up blocked paths with their brute force.

"Nothing here" -Says Geovasmon as he got his sword out of whatever was left of the entrance to that destroyed house- "Did they put out the fire already?"

"They're still dealing with that" -Replies a near Gladismon, the darkness of the night wasn't going to make things any easier, so they were working as quick as possible.

From the near street appeared a familiar face, everybody present in that area bowed momentarily to the serious digimon.

"Secondary Raidenmon" -Says Geovasmon while bowing- "Can I help you with something?"

"Status report" -Says Raidenmon with notable urgency, everybody could tell by a mile the machine wasn't happy at all, wandering around the whole city during and after the conflict. No surprise, as everybody knew why.

"This area is almost clear, that team is extinguishing the item shop" -Geovasmon then cuts to the point, the only answer he knew Raidenmon was interested in knowing- "...Shamefully, we still haven't found Lord Elan."

"Understood" -Says Raidenmon, even with his machine voice, Geovasmon could tell his growing frustration, if Kenzo didn't appear soon, Raidenmon was going to lose it.

"Moderator! Secondary!" -A Gladismon comes running from the lower lands, with good news- "I found Lord Elan! He's conscious and...!"

Raidenmon didn't even listen to the rest, turning to the Gladismon and talking to a point of almost shouting.

"Take me to him"

The intimidated Gladismon nodded and both he and an anxious Raidenmon went to the place where Kenzo was.

Geovasmon remained behind, still overlooking the progression of the area, breathing deep while looking at the sky.

"Just as everything seemed calm... They appeared again, here, of all places." -Geovasmon clenches his fist- "(...What is going on?... Why now? All of a sudden...)"

"Moderator Geovasmon" -Suddenly, Geovasmon hears Chronomon, he turns around to see the server lord coming escorted by his personal guards- "I am relieved to see your well-being."

"Lord Chronomon" -Geovasmon bows to Chronomon as he stops in front of him- "I deeply apologize for this evil attack on our peace, I bear responsability as an Asuka City moderator"

"Do not be too hard on yourself, nobody expected this." -Chronomon tells his guards to stay in their place with an expression, they agree while he goes to Geovasmon's side, both watching the low lands from afar, most specifically, the tree where the signal for the attack came from- "I wonder if this attack has any deeper meaning in the grand scheme of things"

Geovasmon looks at Chronomon while he talked.

"Happening so close to the big day, just after I experienced that feeling and came here, maybe this is a signal?" -Says Chronomon, then looking at Geovasmon.

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