Costumes, Bugle's, and Festival Fun

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(A/n- Evelyn's outfit for the festival)

"We're here, go on and get out of the van, everyone, welcome to our humble abode", Dylla announced, as everyone got out and walked towards Deuce's house, Dylla coming over carrying the costumes, "here you go, everyone, these are your costumes",

"Wow, there's so many", Epel said in shock.

"Ooh, look at that one, it looks just like the White Rabbit", Ortho said excitedly.

"Can you even wear any of this, Ortho", Deuce asked.

"No, I can't run the risk of it interfering with the heat exhaust of my School Uniform Gear", Ortho explained.

"Aw, what a shame", Dylla muttered.

"Nothing a little magic can't fix, I got you covered, Ortho", Evelyn reassured.

"Thanks, Miss. Evie", Ortho said.

"So, about the costumes, I'd say pick what you want, but I'm afraid I'll have to divvy them out by size", Dylla stated, handing out costumes, "Epel, this one's yours, Silver... this one, I guess, Grim, this ribbon has your name all over it; now Evelyn... ooh, this one should be good",

"Thank you", Evelyn said, taking the costume and heading into the other room to change.

"I'm all ready", Epel said, coming out in his costume.

"I've changed as well", Silver stated, coming out of his costume.

"Wow, talk about a perfect fit", Dylla complimented.

"Long ears, fluffy tail... the very picture of the White Rabbit", Silver said, "I had imagined these festival costumes would be simple things, but they're quite elaborate",

"Yours is meant to be a marching band uniform, don't you love how elaborate it is", Dylla asked.

"I do, it's so fancy, but it looks really gallant on you, Silver", Epel complimented.

"I'll take your word for it", Silver said.

"Mine came with a cape, and check out this incredible collar", Epel said, showing off his costume.

"That's called a ruff, nobles would wear them in the old days", Dylla explained, "no one wears them nowadays, even the Queendom of Roses, but they make for fun costumes, and you'll certainly stand out from the crowd",

"It suits you well, Epel", Silver complimented.

"Thank you", Epel said.

"Sorry for the wait", Evelyn said, coming out in her costume.

"It looks great on you, Evelyn", Silver complimented, "you look like one of the topiaries in the park come to life",

"The ears, the tail, you really pull them off", Epel said.

"Thanks, guys", Evelyn said as Grim soon ran out wearing a pastel bow.

"And look at me, I got a ribbon on, whaddya think", Grim asked.

"It's very colorful", Silver said.

"And I love the frills", Epel said.

"You look great, I'm sure Deuce will think so too", Dylla complimented.

"We're back", Ortho said, wearing a pastel colored suit, "I finished my costume",

"WHOA", Everyone said in shock as Evelyn smiled at her handi-work.

"I call it, Rabbit Gear", Ortho announced.

"Wait, where is Deuce", Silver asked, not seeing him around until he walked out in his costume.

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