Exploring the City and the Feast of Fools

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"GROUP 1, ASSEMBLE", Sebek shouted.

"You don't have to shout at the top of your lungs, we can hear you just fine", Jamil said.

"We must not keep Malleus waiting", Sebek stated.

"So, group 1 is myself, Sebek, Rosehearts, Viper, and Evelyn, I hope we'll have an enjoyable time", Malleus said.

"So do I, Malleus", Riddle said.

"I was worried when Sebek started arguing and insisting he join Malleus's group", Jamil stated, "but honestly, I'm glad he has a proper guard",

"Heh, of course, Malleus's safety shall always be my first priority", Sebek explained.

"For my part, I'm interested in broadening my horizons by learning more of the city's history", Malleus said, "I did some reading prior to our departure, but that's no substitute for experiencing a place firsthand, what of the rest of you",


"I think that's a wonderful approach, I was also hoping to learn more about the city", Riddle said.

"Agreed, I'd like to see the sights and get the real Fleur City experience", Jamil stated.

"Ah, so you're all interested in learning more history, I applaud your mindset", Trein said.

"Geez Louise, I thought this was group 1, not group boring", Grim muttered.

"I respect their attitude", Evelyn stated, looking at Grim.

"You're also interested as well, Evelyn... there are some spots I could recommend", Trein explained, "they impressed me greatly when I saw them years back, they're not for tourists though, so you won't find them on your maps, would you like me to show you around",

"You don't mind, I'd be happy to have you, professor", Riddle said.

"Then I believe we have a place to start, shall we get going", Malleus asked as everyone moved out, following Trein to their destination.

"Here we are", Trein said, leading the group to the waterways of the city.

"I believe we're under one of the bridges that connects the city to Noble Bell College", Malleus said.

"I didn't even notice at first that there was a pathway when we were on the bridge", Jamil said.

"This is the entrance to an underground waterway", Trein explained, "as Flamme mentioned, the Bell of Solace is the heart of Fleur City, but it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say these waterways are its nervous system, they developed alongside the city itself",

"Ah, so these are the waterways that run throughout the city", Malleus said, "they're all made of stone, just as I read",

"They look rather old", Sebek said.

"Granted, this stone been here long before any of us were born", Evelyn explained.

"Oh, yes, it's a complex so vast, not even the locals know its entirety", Trein stated.

"I've read about them as well, they were built so the whole city could use the water from the Soleil", Riddle explained.

"Yes, though that's not their only function", Trein said, "here's a question for the class, what other historic purpose did these waterways serve",

"I can answer that", Riddle began.

"Shh, don't spoil the fun now, not everyone did research beforehand, remember", Jamil reminded.

"A fine point, Sebek, what do you think the answer is", Malleus asked.

"Huh, you're asking me", Sebek said in shock, "I'm in my liege's presence... I absolutely have to get this right... PROFESSOR, I REQUEST A HINT",

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