He Knows 🥲🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️

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She narrowed her eyes on her and pointed her finger on her and said, "You missy deserved that. You scared the shit out of me and came crying like that. And went don't know where with merely a message. I was so worried for you. And on top of that you don't know anyone here or you are new here. If something would have happened to you I don't know what would I have done.

I couldn't even have chance to think before our brother would have killed me. And your jiju (brother in law) he was worried about you. He was asking me questions that why wouldn't you eat with us and wanted to see you. I had to lie to him that you ate already and was sleeping so not to disturb you because we have early flight and we had to sleep." She stopped to catch her breath.

Sara was listing patiently and little guilty to her sister. Her head hung low. When  she looked at her to tell her sorry surbhi interrupted her again with her hand which told her to be quite.

She wasn't finished yet. Sara closed her mouth. And started listening to her sister.

And what is it "He choose me and all" " Sara, baby why do you always think so low of yourself? Why were you so surprised and always sound like you are nothing and not special. Baby you are very precious and even Jason knows that. He choose you because he knows how special and precious you are. Even a small four year old child knows your worth. You are so dumb sometimes. Don't ever think low of you ever. You are strong and no lesser than anything. And there is nothing to choose you both were meant to be.

Jason loves you and all that matters. We all love you. " She finishes with a warm smile. Sara noded with teary gaze and a smile.

"I love him too. I love you all also. I am sorry  dii(sister) I am so sorry for worrying you all. And that you". She hugged her sister.

Her sister hugged her back murmuring sweet nothings to her. " Don't worry us like that again okay?" At least take me with you if you ever need something okay."

"I won't make you worried and I'll tell you." Said sara.

They broke apart from the hug.

Surbhi broke the silence and said "now what?"

This made sara confuse. She scrunches her eyebrow and asked "what now?"

"You promised him that you won't leave him and promises are very important to you if I know you well." She raises her one eyebrow as a question.

This made Sara panicked.

"I didn't promise him. I mean I did but not like that. I told him I'll always be there for him no matter what physically or not and he knew what I was saying. I didn't promise him like that and you know this."

"I know, I know. Calm down. I know what you are saying and I understand but you can't be there...." she couldn't finish her sentence when Sara interrupted her mid sentence.

"No I'll always be there for him I love him dii(sister). He is my child. I'll be ...."

"I know, I know but you can't physically be there always for him. You are returning home tomorrow you will be hours or nations apart from him or here so?" Said surbhi.

Sara was about to say something but shut her mouth and both went quiet. Both were thinking something. Both were lost in their own different thoughts when suddenly surbhi said something.

"I know something." Sara looked at her sister and got confused.

Her sister's face was now bright and she was excited. She wiggle her eyebrows a little to hint her sister. She smiled big and tried to show Sara with her facial expression what was she trying to say.

Pre-SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora