"what are you doing here.. Mr kim gave his fake smile looking first at jimin then jungkook.. who understood that mr kim was looking at Jimin with dirty gaze so he did what a husband should do but in a little romantic way he picked jimin up like a baby and hugged him while sitting him on his lap... who quickly hid himself in the safe arms of his husband...

"I have come here to bless both of you... Jungkook kissed Jimin's head and tightened his arms around his waist hugging him so close to himself making him less uncomfortable by mr kim intense stares..

"Why? what type of blessings you want to give us Mr kim.. Jungkook asked rudely to mr kim because he could not get over the thought what mr kim was doing here and why..

Mr kim took two or three bites of his sandwich and started to chewing...and did not respond to jungkook words and then after a while finishing his breakfast he straightened his position rubbing on his stomach and said...

"jimin is like my son, like my tae.. So i will definitely come to give him my blessings... Jungkook dont know what mr kim thinks of himself..on one hand he is calling him his son, and on the other hand he is looking at him dirty eyes...

Jimin didn't know anything about what was happening around or what they were talking...he was just hiding in his husband arms... This is for two reasons first he was feeling nauseous and second he didn't want jungkook to get angry...

"First of all.. Look at me while talking and secondly I respect you because you are tae's dad...so be thankful that I am not putting all my six bulllet in your eyes for looking at my doll with your dirty eyes... He swallowed a lump that got stuck in his throat at jungkook's words...then his eyes fell on the gun beautifuly placed on the dining table which belonged to jungkook..he loosned his tie feeling hard to breathe and whispered a few curses and finally stood up...

"My son has run away from home and i want him back.. and i  don't want you both to get divorced ...jungkook didn't glanced at him started to scroll through his phone to make some calls.. Because he doesn't want to loose his temper and do something that he will regert...

Who will stop mr kim by bickering about his reputation an all shits about company..

"If you both get divorced then it will be a matter of concern for both our company.. Mr kim looked at him for hopefully when they both get divorced he will take the shars back from him..which he has made in the name of his son because he has 50% shares of his company on taeyung's name...

So obviously, he does not want to lose such a huge amount..

"we will talk about all these things later, right now we have to go somewhere.. Jungkook stood up from his chair holding jimin in his arms protectively..

"jungkook let me down please i need to use washroom.. Jungkook looked at Jimin once hearing his weak voice.. he is just prengnet right.. Then why does he look so sick like he will faint anytime if jungkook doesn't hold him...

"why what happened love.. Jimin shook his head weakly eyes looking so much tired and almost on the verge of closing..

"put me down or else i will vomit on you.. Jimins last words jungkook run to his car with jimin in his arms passed out looking pale and exhausted...

Jungkook come out from his entrance and run to his car and laid jimin on the back seat before jumping to drive seat and started to drive in full speed to reach hospital..




Mr kim waited for everyone to go looking at the particular maid with long hair and brown eyes who was in her maids short dress she looked around then nodded to mr kim..

"I came here to see whether anyone doubts you or not and whether you will be able to this work... Mr kim grrabed her by her waist and kissed her on the lips which the maid also returned playfully..only the sound of thier kiss could be heard in the quite hall..mr kim picked her up and the maid wrraped her legs around his waist in circles.. neither mr kim nor this maid was ready to leave each other lips

Mr kim left her lips when he get out of breath...

"You are the only one in this whole world that i can trust.. Mr kim squeezed her butt and put her down after kissing her forehead she smile shyly and said...

"I will do it woo.. I can even die for you...and killing this doll is a very easy task... She place her hands on mr kim chest seducing him by dragging her finger on his face...

You don't need to seduce me even though i love you so much mina... Mr kim smirk eyeing her up and down lustfully and fucked her in his mind...

"I love you too woo, but you have to fulfill your promise of marriage. You have to marry me if i kill jungkook's wife ... Mr kim nodded pecking her lips before capturing them for passionate kiss which she responded like a desprate bitch...




Taeyung and yoongi stand in front of the same priest who officiated at jungkook's and Jimin's wedding.. And he was asking god for forgiveness for the fact that just yesterday he had solemnized the marrige of an already married couple...and todey again two boys are standing in front of him who are already married but want marry for their love..

An excited kim taeyung dresses in white gown which yoongi buy him after his so many whining and crying because he doesn't want him to be upset so buy him one..

"uncle you are not going to commit any sin... Rather you will get heaven...by untied two lovers.. Said the blushy kim taeyung who was little to exciting for his marriage and wrraped his arms around yoongi arms he looked at yoongi cutely who kiss his forehead and turned to priest with his cold face...

"Our pair has been created by god and sent from above.. So help us please. Priest smile at his cuteness and gesture the both to come inside of the church...taeyung step in the church skipping his steps to reach there..

Taeyung smiled and prayed to god with closed eyes then lit the candles placed there..

"stand there facing each other.. I am coming.. Saying this he disappeared in the at the side of the big church hall...taeyung pout and looking around with amazement eyes.. The hall was very beautiful with Italian touch on the ceiling of the hall with a huge wooden doors at the entrance..

"He is rude... Yoongi glared at him who smile nevously... I didn't mean that.. I am hungry.. and you didn't let me eat anything when the waiter brought the food... Yoongi smile at his babys adorable pout and whining and kiss his pout away..

"first it's necessary for us to get married because by now your father must have found out that you ran away from home.. Yoongi said sincerely because he knows about mr kim mind.. He had said him to take taeyung away from jungkook but inside he never wants it..he loves his wealth and power which will remain as long as jungkook is his son-in-law.. So in simple language he will never want me to marry taeyung..

Soon the priest came and they took their vows with the shadows of god and get blessed in the sacred place..

"I will announce you both husband and wife you can kiss the bride.. Yoongi smile his gummy smile and they both sealed their lips in the passionate kiss promising each other through the kiss that they will never going to leave each other hands..

He pick up taeyung bridal style and went out of the church while kissing taeyung...


                           End 💜💜

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