A blue car

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On Friday march 16th, A man takes psychedelics at 1:33. At around 3:45 the man proceeds to drive to pick his sibling up from school. No thoughts run through his head but one. "Why am I?" The man ponders over and over analyzing each flaw, each mistake, each success, all the while before him is small narrowing winding road, blue skies, and 5 minutes from his car to the school.  Now to those that see this as "dumb" to do such a thing. The man's car did not swerve, the man's car did not so much as lean off course. Whilst driving the psyched out man asks himself. Why can't he be better? Why can't he be good? Why despite all effort does the man feel stagnant? No answer was ever found to these questions, for time had drawn near and he made it to the school from there , the man pondered ever so slowly while waiting in the car rider lane, and still nothing. The man, stumped had no choice but to forget his self made inquiries as the line drew him ever closer to the front. As he did The Man's Sibiling got into the car and he drove off. As they were leaving The man asks his Sibiling "how was school?" To which the Sibiling proceed to elaborate on how their day went. From embarrassing moments to heart warming memories the Sibiling leaves out no detail and spares The Man the factor of the unknown.  The man for some reason whether it was because it's his Sibiling or because of some other enigmatic thought, The man's eyes proceed to swell with tears. The only thoughts now residing in his mind were "My pride. My joy. A piece of my everything. How honored am I to be alive and in your presence. I love you." All that comes out the man's mouth is "I love you sister" She states playfully "Yayy" by this time the man was already nearing the turn to that narrow winding road again. But before he could A Blue car pulls out in front of him. He does not see the driver nor does The Man pay attention to his license plate. At the same time The man and the Sibling's "elevator" had reached level 6, The night worker thanked them for riding with him and he left back down.

From there Our man And his Sister rode behind this blue car as if they were sheep following a Shepard. The blue car driving the speed limit and going slow made the man feel as it were some sort of heraldic symbol whether it were to signify a guide of some sort or to stand for and reflect the very color of sky. Whatever it may be or whatever it was gave The Man peace, despite being on psychedelics the man feels more peace than he ever as in his short but long life. He does not think, he does not say, he merely looks and enjoys the peaceful tune "Floor 6" is providing and he enjoys the time spent with his beloved pride and joy. The man wishes for children but not currently. Yet he feels(though he is her brother) as a father of some sort. A guide himself to the very joy in front of him. He is happy, he is contempt for once in this rambling rumble that is life. And finally though it wasn't what The man was looking for. A thought popped in his head.

"God made me yet I spit on his work. I will never be as good as the saints that lived before me. I will never be as good as the people who sacrificed themselves for the innocent. I can only try to be decent. I can only try to live."

For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.( Roman's 5:7-8 beginning verse)

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