He knew what he was doing.

Elsa skated towards him, hearing how some of the woman's friends comforted her by suggesting that he might be gay. He was much too good looking after all...and tall. Elsa did not understand their logic. Danny looked up and smiled, "Hazelnut hot cocoa with cream!"

Elsa smiled as she accepted his offer, letting him tug her close so he could steal a kiss from her. She ignored the women gawking at the sight. Oh well, she was the lucky one with Danny. But luck was really relative. Considering the fact that he was a ghost and was haunting her. Not to mention, who knew how many bodies he dragged under the earth's crust to hide his 'work'?

Oh, Elsa was not dumb. She knew that her man was capable of the most despicable thing and although on her bad day it was certainly a moral dilemma, she didn't hand him in to the local authorities only because she knew that he wasn't so bad that he would target innocent people. She was also aware that he was at war so whomever he killed must have earned a ticket straight to Earth's molten center.

Elsa knew that in a way, she was a terrible woman.

She was selfish, wanting Danny to herself and turning a blind eye to the atrocities he committed. But she wasn't naive. The people he took care of, she only need to remember the accident to understand just how little they cared about the innocent people caught in the crossfire. Behind Danny's back, with Jazz and Sam's help, Elsa learned to 'read behind the scene'. To see the reality hidden behind leaked gasses, natural disasters, weak structures, and the likes that would make it to the news but was always dismissed as accidents or misfortunes.

It was Danny. The aftermath of his war against the GIW.

Sometimes, there were survivors but most of the times there were none.

She didn't know what he did. She didn't know what he did with the survivors as they never seemed to recall anything beyond being discovered after the building collapsed or the gas leak exploded. It wasn't strange for survivors to not be mentioned after that initial interview once they gave nothing of interest.

Jazz suspected a mind wipe and Sam didn't deny it.

"Elsa? You're dreaming,"

Elsa looked at Danny to see him standing besides her on ice. She hummed, "Sorry. I was just thinking,"

He quirked a brow from under his shades, a slight glow lighting the darkness of his lens, "About me, I hope?"

It may sound narcissistic and perhaps he wanted people to think that so they will never connect him to the self-conscious and timid Danny Fenton from over a decade ago, but Elsa knew that he was being serious about his question. As a ghost, Danny was extremely possessive and jealous. Although on one hand, this possessiveness and jealousy as well obsessive nature meant that she will always be his priority, it wasn't a healthy thing. She might feel reassured that he would not cheat on her, ever. But at the same time, it was also a dangerous thing to cross since Danny's grey moral meant that he have no qualm eliminating his target of ire.

Just looked at what he did to Jareth and his Labyrinth. It was only because it was wholly Jareth's fault for trying to steal her and trick her into an unwanted marriage that the Unseelie Court did not charge Danny for destroying most of the Goblin Kingdom. Not to mention, Elsa did not want him to fight two wars at once.

Elsa giggled, "Yes. Who else am I going to think of? I mean, you were just surrounded by those women. I'm rather jealous," She smirked at him, watching as his cheeks glowed red.

Flustered, he coughed, "You told me not to give serial killer vibe,"

The last time he did that while waiting for her on a date, someone called a police on him. Fortunately, Skulker was the one to answer and so everything was settled peacefully. Not that the caller was wrong, it was just that Danny was a soldier rather than killing for pleasure. Well, he did gleefully kill GIW's agents, if Dani's account was to be trusted, but most of the time they deserved Danny's chainsaw massacre. Still...

Elsa hummed, "Try to find a way to make yourself less attractive other women then,"

Danny grinned, "I could always act the gay man?"

She pouted at his wiggling brows, "No! That would be even more of a tragedy for me. To lose you to a man of all things. Where is my dignity and pride as woman gone off to if you did end up cheating on me with a man?"

Danny laughed, "Alright! Fine! Seriously, you're making me blush," He smiled softly at her, "You're probably the only woman who would be more upset her guy cheat on her with another guy than with a girl,"

Elsa think that there must be other women who found attractive men dating other attractive men a tragedy to her as a woman and not just her. After all, she lost to a man. Meaning she was less attractive or worthy than a man.

She huffed, "Just chase them off...politely,"

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