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I'm not fluence in English since it's not my first or second language.

I only made this English version for my learning materials. I'll be happy and appreciate, if you can give me some advice if there are inappropriate diction or sentence on my work. 

So, please bear with my poor English and don't hesitate to correct me :)



In this country, we are always taught to have beliefs and we are free to follow any religion. Everyone has the right and freedom to believe whatever they want. There is often a saying that Thailand is a Buddhist country because the most popular religion is Buddhism. However, how many people know and understand exactly what Buddhism is? What kind of doctrine is there? What beliefs and practices does it have? When other beliefs are expressed, we hear and believe them together.

That Thailand... is a city of spirits.

When looking at religious rituals and other things that can be seen in general, it is clear that the existence of spirits or gods is strongly believed in. All gods have names and they worship them. They even believe that guardian spirits or ancestors are always around them. Whether it is the spirit of grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, father, aunt, younger brother, older brother, even the spirit or spirit of the house guard. If you visit, you will be able to see incense, candles, and various kinds of offerings that can be found in various places. Such as on a winding road, a quiet valley, a crossroads, or even a tree that grows irregularly. These actions and beliefs were passed down from generation to generation as something that no one ever thought about or questioned. However, it cannot be denied that people adhere to it because it is a belief.

Nowadays, humans are starting to find various things to rely on. Whether it is to worship or worship in the name of Chinese gods, Indian gods, or all Brahma, including spirits and demons. But how do we realize that we are worshiping? I think it's done by worshiping and honoring what we truly believe. And this is not a matter of careless respect, for something else, hidden with that belief....



Saturday, full moon night.

The raging rainstorm and gusts of wind caused the wooden windows with poor hinges to swing open and creak, making a screeching sound like someone screaming. Inside the room, there were a total of four people sitting in the center of the sacred circle. The sound of a six month old baby crying could be heard everywhere, as if he was being shocked by something all the time. The little boy writhed around in the basket, amidst three other elders who were performing a ritual.

"Third day, ghost child... fourth day human child. Whose child is this?" The old man's voice sounded worried. According to tradition, parents should carry out traditions to welcome their children, but this time it was different.

"Ughhhh!!!"' The sound echoed throughout the area. The people performing the ceremony looked left and right to look for the source. But they didn't find anyone. The hands that are brought together are immediately raised to the middle of the forehead.

"This child is a human child, not a ghost child." said the old man with a serious expression.

(TN: This ceremony is called Mae Tu, originating from Thai culture in the northeastern region. They believe that newborn babies have a companion 'mother' spirit who will protect them until they are 12 years old. There are 7 mother spirits based on the day of birth. Para Mae This can be good and protect them, but there are also those who can become jealous because their 'child' will have another mother (the mother who gave birth to him) and will end up disturbing the child by appearing scary forms that will disturb the child's peace That, the ceremony is carried out so that the Mae Thu are calm and continue to protect this child well and are willing to 'share' the child with its biological mother. For details, I will make a thread on Twitter, so please connect with me @Wint3r_Solstice. Ok, back to story.)

สิงสาลาตาย - GODDESS BLESS YOU FROM THE DEATH [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now