Chapter 1 - Roulette

Start from the beginning

"Good morning to you too?"

he says with a smile and walks to the treadmill, so he is right in front of her

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he says with a smile and walks to the treadmill, so he is right in front of her. She looks at him carefully and, unintentionally, can hardly concentrate on her training. "How's it going with Chief Ross?" she asks casually and he just keeps running. "Good..." is all he says, but that one word is enough to make her ache.

To sort it all out...first she lets him down after he fights for her, then she has something on her mind when she wanted to talk to him on the bridge in the Barn and didn't get around to saying it and finally they have each other divorce. So it's over. Of it?

Andy's mind is playing roulette. The last thing she needs now is renewed love stress, and especially not when the Chief is involved. She continues to lift her weights introvertedly and doesn't even notice that Ruiz is talking to her. "Hm?" She looks at him and puts down the weights. "what's up?" she asks.

"I have to go home a little early today, is that okay?" he looks at Sullivan. "Well, if it's important, of course, you still have overtime. That's okay," she says and dabs her forehead with a towel. He thanks you and leaves. Sullivan goes to the weights and grabs some too. "Captain? Didn't you want to train?" he asks when he notices how she just stares at him the whole time. She also continues training without saying anything. The silence feels strange. At least for Andy. This feeling is starting to annoy her. She knows it, the same thing she felt when the two of them got closer, the feeling when he looked at her or happened to be too close to her. It's annoying because she can't pursue this feeling any further because he has zero interest. Besides, how crazy would it be to get closer again after being divorced like that?

"jeezz..." she unintentionally slams her weights onto the floor, leaving a confused Sullivan as she leaves the room towards the shower. He watches her go and puts his weights down thoughtfully. Robert is not stupid. He knows what's going on in a person at the slightest change, especially his ex-wife. He already know many of her pages. He follows her and notices that she is already taking a shower. He himself just waits in a towel, ready to take a shower, until she is finished. His thoughts are also racing around, trying to classify Andy's behavior. When she finally comes out, he takes advantage of the situation to test his ex-wife. He knows her inside and out and knows her every behavioral trait.

She sees him, pauses briefly and then walks towards her locker, but Robert is standing provocatively close to her locker. She pauses again and tries to ignore him, but he continues to provoke, leaning an arm right next to her. "Andy do you want to tell me what's wrong with you?" She suddenly looks at him completely innocently, shrugs her shoulders and acts as if she doesn't know what he means.

He smiles, has her exactly where he wants her and plays with her a bit. "I'm sure you know what I mean..." he also says innocently in a sweet voice. "Robert...stop it" She says playfully and smiles at him, the red tinge on her cheeks that shows she loves this game only makes him perk up. "Andy, I know you...if there's something you like to tell me, then say. I'm always there if something happens, I made that clear to you back then after the incident with the sex offender."

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