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I felt the cold breeze crashing against my face as I stood there with my eyes closed so tightly that the tears could barely escape....

Mom, Michael, Mia, Dad. They can't possibly care if I died right?

It's just that I can't do this anymore. I just can't... I feel like they could make a depressing movie about me and it would make a lot. Cause people would cry, it's dark, you know....

I opened my eyes for the last time and looked around. I could see large and bright billboards from up here. Not just the Times Square, but I feel like I'm seeing the whole NYC. This is one of the tallest buildings I chose, hoping I would die from 89th floor. 

I sighed deeply and took a step in the air from the railing top and started to jump when I heard a shrill yell from behind me.

Woman: HEY! YOU! SUICIDE! Stop right there!

I turned around to see who it was when I realized I didn't have the time to because I was already pulled down and lying on top of her. A silent moment passed by looking at each other with our deep green eyes. She had the exact same pair as me, even though it is rare. My mom used to say that my eyes are extremely hard to find in U.S.A and wished that she had it too.

We got after a minute or so. AWKWARDLY. 

She started scolding me like I was a little boy roaming alone on rooftops and she's my mother.

Woman: ARE YOU INSANE?! WHAT WERE YOU DOING THERE?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS WOULD GO THROUGH IF YOU DID WHAT YOU WERE DOING?! Don't dare to do any stupid shit like that ever again or I'd call the helpline and you'd be stuck in the therapy for a month. 

Just when she was about to leave I said something that would make her think again about what she just scolded to me about.

Paul: I got nobody. So chill, girl, no one would either regret or either grieve about me.

Woman: What do you mean? 

Paul: You heard me. I don't have friends or family or anyone. The only ones I had backstabbed me real hard. 

Woman: What happened, wait? 

Paul: I don't even know you, how can I unload myself on you just like that?

Woman: No, no tell me. People say I'm pretty good at this.

Paul: At what?

Woman: THIS.

Paul: My girlfriend cheated on me.

Woman: So? You'd go and die because of her? If she cheated on you then she showed you what she actually is. She ain't worthy of your love then. Go find another one. It's not like nobody would fall for that handsome face of yours. In fact, you'd have girls drooling over you.

Paul: It maybe wouldn't have been such a big of a deal if it wasn't Michael.

Woman: Michael?

Paul: Oh, right. My best friend since 14 years.

Woman: Oh- That- that's just t-too much for a person to b-bear.

Paul: Yeah well I have to. 

Woman: What about your family? Parents? Sibling?

Paul: My mom left me. My dad hates me and is remarrying some other prostitute I guess. And I got no siblings.

Woman: Oh my god I'm so so sorry for you.

She pulled me in for a hug. I couldn't resist it. I needed one. I even lost control on my tears, as they flowed out as if the dam had been stopping them. I didn't even know her name and she comforted the hell out of me.

Woman: I promise things will get better. Just don't try anything like that for now, okay?

Paul: You promise?

Woman: I promise.

Paul: Then promise me that if it doesn't happen you'd stab me yourself.

Woman: Shut up dork. I'm Jules Abernathy. Here's my number. If you ever feel low, just call me. 

Paul: Yeah.

Jules: (Starts to depart) Remember, I'm just a call away.

Paul: I will. Thank you, Jules.

She just smiled back at me and ran down the stairs. I didn't know that a random girl would make me change my decision. I forgot all about Mia and Michael because of her. 

One thing I got to know about her in these few minutes is that.......                She's Magic.....

(Guys please vote my novel and support me as it is my first one. I really hope you guys are liking it so far)

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