Some fun

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(Hope you guys are liking it so far>>)

Catherine went quietly in the kitchen and started doing the dishes. A tear rolled down from her cheek and fell on the hand she was cleaning the cup with. She wiped the tear silently. Then another one rolled down from her right eye. She wiped it again. It was tear after tear when she could finally not hold it together. She burst into tears and slid slowly along the counter, burying her face in her knees. She wept for a long time when she remembered that Alex, her new husband, who turned out to be fake as he made her see a thousands of dreams about how they would spend their life after marriage, called her in HIS room after she was done with the dishes.

She quickly washed the rest of the dishes and forces herself reluctantly towards Alex's room knowing what he would do to her after she was inside the room


Catherine: M-may I come in s-sir?

Alex: (laying on the bed, half naked) Yes, come in.

Catherine: (opens door and closes it) I actually wanted t-to say something.

Alex: You don't have the right to do so. You do only what I say.

Catherine: I-I wanted to say that I may not be able to satisfy your needs tonight as I am really tired after the w-wedding progressions.

Alex: (sarcastic laugh) You need not satisfy my needs. You just need to surrender yourself to your beloved husband. Now without a single word and take off your clothes and come here.


I was shocked by this behaviour of his. This isn't what he was two days ago. This is not the Alex I used to love. Who even is he? Definitely, not MY Alex. I anyways took off my t-shirt and trackpants. I reluctantly took off my bra and slid my panties extremely slowly. The look on his face told me that this night, my wedding night is going to turn in one of my worst nightmares. I climbed up the bed and was ready to face the worst. Alex had already taken off his clothes and was eyeing me up and down with lustful eyes. Just as I climbed up the bed beside him, he rolled over on top of me. 

Alex: Gosh, you're so hot. Ready to make some love?

Catherine: No.... Alex, please.... Just not today.

Alex: Oh, just shut up. 

Catherine: I am not ready, Alex.... Please....

Alex: No no, you don't know. You were born ready for this.

Catherine: P-p-please (starts crying)

I just can't today. I'm too shocked already. Oh, god, why are you doing this?! If only I could call someone and tell them about this. I have nobody oh god. Tears are also not stopping. How could it get much worse?! I just don't un-

Catherine:(Moans) Alex...

Alex: Louder, girl. (Pushes inside of her)

Catherine: (Moans loudly)Alex!

Alex: Yeahhh. Once more. (Thrusts even harder)

Catherine: (Moans)Alex....

Alex: Yes.(Slides down his tongue all the way down to her waist)

Catherine: Alex...Please that's enough for today.

Alex: I ain't satisfied yet. (Moves his tongue all over her p*ssy)

Catherine: (Moans)Alex..... no....

Alex: Now it's time for the actual fun...(Takes two finger and pushes it inside her)

Catherine: (Grips his hair and moans loudly) Alex! Stop please.

Alex: Girl... you're hard..

Catherine: (Starts crying uncontrollably)A-A-Alex....s-stop...

(And the rest went on upon your imagination. I couldn't write more than that because that was enough trauma for a day.

(Also, I am so so so so sorry for the late update because my grandmother passed away, I couldn't have the time to write.)

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