V- new identity

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Hey everyone! I'm so so sorry, I haven't been very active because I had so many things to do and life got a bit (very) busy, so I didn't have much time to write and update. But here we are, chapter 5! I hope you like it and sorry again for taking so long to update <3

When (Y/n) woke up this morning she had almost forgotten that she wasn't at home anymore. She opened her eyes and a pang of loneliness hit her at the sight of the empty bedroom.

A sour reminder that the last twenty four hours hadn't been a dream.

(Y/n)'s room at home hadn't been anything extraordinary. Two beds, hers and Grey's, thin lace curtains, some shelves with trinkets and books, a rug to cover the wooden floor, and a closet. Her side of the room was clean, and Grey's messy. Nothing special really.

Still, she missed the drawings on the walls, the ones she had done as a kid, of flowers she had seen outside. Her mother had seen red when she had seen them. On the other hand, Grey had called (Y/n)'s drawings artistic. She had even drawn a little smiling face beside it. Though (Y/n) had a feeling Grey had done this to upset their mother more than anything else.

A lonely tear rolled down (Y/n)'s cheek, a bitter taste filling her mouth as she stared at her new room. At the pale cream coloured walls, at the unfamiliar cotton sheets and the sunlight filtering in through the light linen curtains. At the wooden desk and lonely chair, at the wooden floor and empty closet.

The only thing that seemed to have followed her all the way to the city were the singing birds outside. The ones she listened to for hours back home, lying on the green grass outside under the Sun.

(Y/n) swallowed thickly.

Of course, she was incredibly grateful to have stumbled upon Marcus and Tobias, to have been offered their help and a shelter. If it hadn't been for them she might have slept in the streets or worse yet, in the Uninfected camp. Still, waking up to this new reality left a sour taste in her mouth.

The previous day had been a blur, a weird mix of shock and confusion. (Y/n) hadn't quite realized just what had happened and hadn't quite grasped the extent of the situation. But now waking up in the city without Grey by her side, reality was starting to look and feel all too tangible to (Y/n). And now she had no choice but to face the thousand of emotions that had been brewing beneath the surface. It all came crashing down over her like a tidal wave, giving her no choice but to submit.





She was alone now. Truly alone. And so far from home it made her sick to her stomach. Her heart tightened in her chest as hot tears gathered in her eyes and blurred her vision. And for a moment, (Y/n) thought about staying in bed, buried under the blankets. She thought about falling back asleep and hopefully running away from her current reality.

DARLING (yandere boys x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें