⁛≻Chapter 4≺⁛

Start from the beginning

The wave came almost immediately and when he opened his eyes, it was as if his surroundings changed for a second. He was in a surgical room with a beeping heart monitor. Four to five surgeons surrounded him, doing something that he couldn't comprehend. 

Jeno blinked again and this time he was back in the pill room. Everyone was being asked to stand up and make a neat line and so he followed. Complete silence surrounded them with Jeno picking hints at white noise which was broken only by the speaker.

Speaker: Move.

They walked out in a file. Their coordinated steps and hand movement made it seem like they were robots being trained, and in a way that was exactly what was happening.

Jeno reached his room, opening the door to it and entering. It was dark until he flipped the single switch on the wall. The room immediately lit up with a dull yellow light. Sighing, Jeno took off his shirt before looking into the mirror. 

A bandage was wrapped around his left shoulder and back. He turned a little to check his back only to see it mostly covered by the bandage. 

He was not allowed to remove it. But he had a feeling that whatever was hiding beneath it was something from the surgery he got before he even entered the Sanctuary.


Jisung sat down on his bed silently. He gave himself a minute before pulling out the pill from his pocket. He stared at it for a moment, his breath hitching at the thought of breaking the very strict rules of the Sanctuary. 

He shook his head and stood up, hiding the pill beneath his mattress. There were only five pills and only because it was the first day since he stopped eating them. 

Was he supposed to be feeling different yet? He did cry earlier and he was worried about it. If Hana decides to talk, Jisung could out Jaemin too. But how was that supposed to help at all. If that supposedly does happen, Hana would be the only winner because she would get her first spot. Jisung and Jaemin would still get black listed. 

He put the mattress back in place and stood up, sweat beading on his forehead from tension and nervousness.

He closed his eyes to take a deep breath and calm down but felt himself lose balance. A sudden rush of dizziness hit him as he stumbled to the bed. Jisung softly massaged his forehead before opening his eyes and staring at his hand to focus back. 

A soft music filled his room, making him look up at the vent. He looked back at his hand, the music making him let out a soft smile as he fell back on his bed. The second his eyes closed he landed in a room. A bigger one that seemed endless because of how dark it was on all sides.

There was one light that shone on Jisung as the song continued to play and he felt his body move on its own. His wounds on his legs were painful especially after he got them as a punishment recently after failing the duel with Jaemin. He knew he was a coward to back away.

But at the moment all he could feel was happiness. He was genuinely smiling while dancing which seemed so foreign. He didn't know what he was doing but his body did. 

When he ended he found himself in the middle of his room again, standing in the same pose of the ending of his dance while sweating and his feet paining and trembling. He sat back on his bed a content sigh leaving his mouth. 

Jisung looked around his room, the harsh reality hitting him again. The pills never gave him this feeling and despite it being his first time, he was already addicted. He wanted to feel that freedom again.


Renjun's eyes snapped open as he sat up on his bed. He rubbed his eyes, groaning in annoyance before getting off the bed and grabbing the matches from near the wash-basin.

Renjun: I hate my power sometimes.

He mumbled as he flicked a match against the rough wall, a fire igniting the wall near his bed. He moved his storage trunk, revealing small drawings on the walls which was covered by the box. Renjun picked up his charcoal piece before sitting down and drawing a single wing. It was only half of a pair. Which was odd because only person in the entire Sanctuary didn't possess both wings.

Renjun: Why do I keep seeing Hana in my visions...

Renjun: Why do I keep seeing Hana in my visions

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