Isla thrashed back and forth in her bed unable to wake from her induced magical coma. Many winged men surrounded bidding who will take the fair maiden as their own. Many were interested for her witchery blood as they can see the evidence throughout the household. It also resides in her strong enough to cause this commotion though everyone fell silent as a certain someone joined the group. It was the son of Maeve, and he seemed to be entranced by her aura and beauty. He comes closer and with a wave of a hand, reveals her magical component; it giving off in waves of darkness but also vibrant colors. He stiffens when a set of wings form at her back, and how they switched to another set second by second.

" She is a changling my prince?"

" No... These were given to her by the banished. Those poor miserable creatures had the audacity to gift her but also curse her. See how her magic is hindered? I believe they attempted to steal it and very much have succeeded. I can tell this isn't her full capacity by no means, but maybe it'll return over time. She also has various marks that are visible to the common eye that should of killed her as a child, but she somehow has surpassed that. This is strange... Wait a minute..."

He pauses as a set of magical horns graced her forehead accompanied by a forked tail. This had also seemed to be given to her but why would the Devil bless her with such a form? She is just a mere peasant girl, but she also seems to have a few Gods on her side. This would explain why she hasn't died at least at the hands of the fae. He stops his interaction not wanting to bring forth unwanted attention, and due to this, he almost was tempted to say she was off limits to this exchange of there's. He couldn't help himself though but to take advantage hoping his mother would be at his side if trouble does come. He uncovers Isla and blushes at her exposed belly and garments. He proceeds to bite his thumb pricking it and smears it across her stomach in a sigil that should be considered forbidden, but desperate times call for desperate measures. His hand is now glowing as a part of his own soul breaks free latching unto one of her eggs in her uterus. He has a small hidden smile as it feels it become successful.


Isla awakes at the crack of dawn to a series of knocking at her door causing her to slightly groan at the rapid noise. It didn't annoy her too much as she sees it's actually time to awake for there was sunlight streaming through her window. There it goes again though more impatiently this time, and Isla gets to her feet ignoring the fact she's in a gown for thinking it's an emergency due to their persistence. She opens the door finally to be met with a mob, and she shrinks back a bit fearful from it all.

" Please help us! It can't be true!"

Isla was gripped tightly by the shoulders by Mrs. Alexis her husband looking down at her with.. shame? Pity? The expression surprises her for the man usually adores her in such a way that he usually brags. What is possibly happening?

" I'm sorry, but I am confused. What has happened?"

" Mrs. Delilah tells us... tells us we've been marked to birth the fae."

" What...?"

Isla almost wants to laugh out the out loud the theory started by the virgin girl just a few houses down from your own.

" Did you wake up with the blood across your belly?!"

Alexis is near to tears as she thinks about her two boys, and how this will effect them.

" I.. I'm not sure. I didn't look."

Mrs. Delilah is a professional when it comes to fae magic, but this surely must be a mistake. Isla calls in the ladies her house soon filled to the brim with females. They weren't shy to upheave their gowns as Isla narrowed her eyes at the sigil work. Isla touched one slightly feeling the presence of magic upon them all. Slowly, she does the same to herself her heart stopping at seeing the exact same emblem. Alexis grabs Isla by the hands her voice a mere whisper. Her blue eyes narrowed in a serious manner.

" We must run Miss Isla. Far away! A prophet, a brother of mine, has already warned me that Selene has declared death upon us all... Says our children are forbidden and to never be borned!"

" Clinton said this? He must of heard wrong. Selene would never do such a thing!"

" My brother tells no lie! Flee Isla while you can! I'm taking my boys tonight and heading to my sister in the North!"

You blinked not particularly knowing how to respond to all this. Even if the women get past those gates, the journey to civilization would be long and strenuous. In meaning this, it would be impossible in general to survive the winter storms, predators would be a foot, and food would be scarce. On top of that, the fables of monsters danced across Isla's mind. Oh the stories Isla has heard as a child, and how her father would swear on his life of the vampires that attacked Askanivis when she was just a baby. And of course, he wasn't the only parent that spread that story about in preventing children to wonder the village at night.

Isla is now trying calm herself trying to contradict Delilah's answer to the situation. She is an expert in these kind of scenarios, but she had to have made a error. That along with the mistake of the prophets declaring death upon the hopeless woman of this society. Isla will have a talk with Zekial about all this. Isla goes to wet a rag to wipe away the blood when she is suddenly stopped by an older woman named Gaia. She shakes her head her hazel eyes flaring.

" You'll be breaking temple law if you wipe it off."

" The only way I'll survive is if I do this-."

" Delilah is being spared if she can identify whoever is pregnant by the fae and if she kills her child at birth. Also, Selene has specifically announce to punish ones before killing them in honor of her if there's an attempt to remove it. I don't know about you, but I rather it go quickly."

She must know someone in here would tell on me...

Isla looks unto the crowd of women, and all she could do to find herself to sooth them was with reassurance everything will be okay.

" Selene will not allow this. Please return to your homes."

" How we to stay calm Isla?! Selene has abandoned us!"

Isla bites her cheeks wanting nothing more than to be alone.

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