Chapter 14

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As Batman and the Ohio Final Boss struggle to escape the Grimace Shake gas filling Arkham Asylum, Joker makes his escape in a most unconventional manner. With a maniacal laugh echoing through the chaos, he steps out of the shadows and onto the asylum grounds, where a sleek black car awaits him.

The Quandale Dingle car, its engine purring with anticipation, pulls up beside Joker, its windows rolled down. Inside, Quandale Dingle himself reclines comfortably in the driver's seat, a wide grin on his face.

Quandale Dingle: [Chuckling] Hop in, Joker! We've got places to be and whoppers to eat!

Joker's eyes light up with glee as he hops into the car, joining Quandale Dingle in the front seat. The aroma of freshly cooked whoppers fills the air as they speed away from the chaos of Arkham Asylum.

Joker: [Laughing maniacally] Ah, Quandale, you always know how to make an entrance! Let's get out of here before the Bat ruins all the fun!

Quandale Dingle: [Grinning] You got it, Joker! Hold on tight!

With a roar of the engine, the Quandale Dingle car speeds off into the night, leaving behind a trail of chaos and confusion. As Batman and the Ohio Final Boss struggle to contain the Grimace Shake gas, Joker and Quandale Dingle indulge in their shared love of whoppers, their laughter echoing through the night as they make their daring escape from Arkham Asylum.

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