Chapter 13

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[Batman's eyes narrow as he leans in closer to Joker, his voice low and menacing.]

Batman: You want to meet my friend, the Ohio Final Boss? Trust me, Joker, he's the last person you want to mess with. He makes me look like a walk in the park.

[As Batman speaks, the air in the room begins to shift, and suddenly, the Ohio Final Boss materializes beside him, his presence imposing and formidable.]

Ohio Final Boss: [Grimly] You heard him, Joker. You don't want to test my patience.

[Joker's laughter fills the room, echoing off the walls as he stares back at Batman and the Ohio Final Boss with a gleam in his eyes.]

Joker: Oh, Batsy, you always bring such delightful company. But I'm afraid your little playdate is about to come to an end.

[Before Batman can react, Joker's expression turns serious, and he reveals a sinister truth.]

Joker: Caseoh isn't done playing just yet. He's broken free from his cuffs, and he's unleashed the Grimace Shake gas throughout Arkham Asylum.

[Batman's eyes widen in alarm as he realizes the gravity of the situation. The Grimace Shake gas begins to seep into the room, causing both Batman and the Ohio Final Boss to choke and gasp for air.]

Ohio Final Boss: [Coughing] We need to get out of here, Batman. Now.

[But before they can make a move, Joker dons Scarecrow's mask, protecting himself from the effects of the gas. With a wicked grin, he leaves Batman and the Ohio Final Boss to fend for themselves.]

Joker: [Mockingly] Ta-ta for now, gentlemen. I have other plans to attend to.

[As Batman and the Ohio Final Boss struggle to escape the deadly gas, Joker disappears into the shadows, leaving behind chaos and destruction in his wake. And as the Grimace Shake gas continues to spread throughout Arkham Asylum, Batman and the Ohio Final Boss face a race against time to survive and stop Joker's twisted plans before it's too late.]

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