The Party.

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*after you get home and put everything away you walk into the living room and see elvis talking to his bandmates*

You: El, can i talk to you for a minute?

Elvis: Sure, Ill be right back guys.

*you to walk outside*

Elvis: Everything okay?

You: Yes, I uh..I actually have a favor. Jacksons sister suzie turns 13 today and she asked me if I could get her some of your merchandise as a gift. I was wondering if you could help me out with a few things.

Elvis: Sure, but how will she get them?

You: Im going to her party.

Elvis: Absolutely not.

You: Vernon is going with me. Ill be fine.

Elvis: Is he going to be there?

You: Well yes, its his sister Elvis.

Elvis: Then im going to.

You: Elvis you have to rehearse, you cant just...

Elvis: Rehearsal can wait but im going with you.

You: Elvis..

Elvis: Its settled.

*he walks back inside and so do you but you walk into the kitchen*

Gladys: You okay?

You: Just fine..

Gladys: Start talkin.

You: Its Elvis..I told him vernon was going to the party with me and now he's saying he's going. I would be fine without him, I know vernon wouldn't let anything happen.

Gladys: So does Elvis but you know how protective he is of you, always has been.

You: I know but i don't want him risking what he's worked so hard for..for me.

Gladys: Your his girl hun, he'd lose it all before he'd lose you.

*you smile as she hands you a cup of coffee*

Elvis: The guys helped me pick out a few things, i even signed em for her.

You: She'll love them.

Vernon: Whenever your ready hun.

Elvis: We'll take my car, im tagging along.

*once at the party you walk in and suzie spots you*

Suzie: Y/n!

*she hugs you*

Suzie: You came!

You: I told you I would.

*you smile*

Suzie: Come on everyone's in here.

*she leads you into a room full of people*

Jackson: Glad you made it.

You: I told her i was gona be here, I wasnt gonna let her down.

Jackson: Well im gld your here.

*you both smile*

You: Oh suzie, I brought you a few things.

Suzie: Like what!?

You: Look in the bag.

*she does and squeels*

Suzie: Jackson look! He signed everything!

Jackson: Thats awesome sue!

You: Thats not all.

*Elvis walks in*

Suzie: You brought Elvis!

*he leans down and she runs over to him*

Jackson: You made this a birthday she'll never forget. Thank you.

You: Happy to help.

*you both smile*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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