The Offer.

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*after getting home late the night before, you wake up to knocking on your front door so you get up to answer it.*

You: "Mr. Presley, is everything okay?"

Vernon: "I just wanted to check in and make sure your okay."

You: "I'm..I'm okay. I'm sorry please, come in."

*He walks into the kitchen with you and you start making coffee*

Vernon: "Where are John and Alice?(your parents)"

You: "Hollywood, they kicked me out and went to live there dreams. So I've been on my own for the last 2 years."

Vernon: "How have you survived this long? Your 16 so a job was out of the question."

You: "Jackson. He's 23 and made sure I always had what I needed...most of the time anyway."

*You make Vernons coffee and handit to him smiling*

Vernon: "How long had the abuse been going on?"

You: "Mr. Presley.."

Vernon: "How long y/n?"

You: "A year.."

Vernon: "And you didn't call?"

You: "What was I suppose to say? *You tear up* If I would have told someone it would have made it worse."

Vernon: "We could have gotten you help, hell we would have been here and you know that."

You: "I was not going to do anything to get in the way of Elvis's dreams."

Elvis: "You mean more then they do."

*You look over*

You: "Don't.."

Elvis: "I want you to come live at Graceland with us."

You: "Elvis, I.."

Elvis: "You'll be taken care of, have everything you need..y/n you'll never want for anything if your with us."

You: "I've been fine so far.."

Elvis: "With Jackson?"

*You put your head down*

Vernon: "why don't you think about it and give us a call."

*He stands up*

Vernon: "Your like family y/n and we take care of each other, remember that."

*He walks out and Elvis walks over to you*

Elvis: "You'll always be my best girl."

*He kisses your head and walks out*

Alliy: "You in here?"

You: "In the kitchen."

*She walks in*

Alliy: "Oh babes, why are you crying?"

*You tell her everything*

Alliy: "Sounds like you caught feelings for your childhood bestie."

You: "That's the problem..I've always had feelings. But now he wants me to move away? Alliy this is the only home I've ever known."

Alliy: "Maybe it's time for a fresh start, y/n this could be exactly what you need."

You: "What about you? I mean I can't just leave you."

Alliy: "I'm sure I can come visit and you know your always welcome to stop by anytime."

*You smile and hug her*

You: "Guess I should start packing and call the Presleys. Mind staying with me tonight to help out?"

Alliy: "Absolutely!"

*You both laugh and start grabbing your bags and you call the Presleys.*

Gladys: "Hello?"

You: "Hey mama, it's's y/n."

Gladys: "Are you okay?"

You: "I'm fine, listen I had a visit from Elvis and Vernon earlier."

Gladys: "I know they told me, have you thought about it?"

You: "That's actually why I'm calling, I uh..I was wondering if Elvis would come help me pack if he has the time."

Gladys: "I'll let him know hun, I'll get your favorite stew cooking."

*You giggle*

You: "Thank you mama, I'll be seeing you soon."

*You hang up*

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