Pt 14: the darkness

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A few years before the new Santa arrived

M/n was walking threw the snowy forest when he came across a cave. He felt as if the cave was calling to him. Telling him to come closer. M/n walked to the cave hesitating before entering. He looked around the cave before seeing a faint glow. He could here whispers coming from a pond with dark black liquid not quite water at all.  He went to look at it more, walking closer to the pond. M/n knelt down to inspect it better. He put his hand in the water. As he did his vision went black then he was standing in a dark void someone spoke to him


M/n could see a figure walking towards him.

"Who are you"
M/n asked as the figure got closer.

"I'm what you could be"
The figure said walking in front of m/n fully now. It was m/n himself just himself but he was different he was taller had dark circles under his eyes, he looked rich and confident and loved. Happy.

"M/n I am what you want to be"

"How do i become like this"

"You have to kill Santa clause, then you can have anything you want"

And with that m/n woke up he new what he had to do he ran home and started to devise a plan.


Just a little background guys so this is kinda short.

249 words

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