10: Date

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Sorry this took so long



  After Carol asked m/n what was wrong and getting the answer she wanted. She went to tell Bernard the good news.

  Carol walked around the work shop looking for Bernard. She soon found him talking to Curtis.

"Bernard. I have good news"
Carol said excitedly.

"What's the good news"
Bernard said with a smile on his face.

"M/n likes you back. And I think you should ask him out"
Carol said happily.

Bernard gasped.



  M/n was walking to the workshop to visit his mom when on the way there he ran into Bernard.

"Oh hey Bernard"
M/n said.

"Hey m/n umm... i need to ask you something"
Bernard said nervesly.

"And what might that be"
M/n asked.

Bernard hesitated.

"M/n would you like to go on a date with me"
Bernard said nervesly.

M/n was practically dumbfounded.

"I would love to go on a date with you"
M/n said smiling.



M/n and Bernard were walking through the forest while the sun was setting.

Christmas music played in the background.

  Thy both just enjoyed eachothers company along with the vibe of the beautiful forest.

"Thanks for asking me out. I kinda was really hoping you'd ask"
M/n said.

Bernard just smiled at you.

"I really wanna kiss you right now"
M/n said out of the blue.

Bernard looked at you with wide eyes blushing.

"You do?"
Bernard said so glad his voice didn't crack.

M/n replied.

Bernard looked away.

"Well then... I'm all yours"
Bernard said smiling and looking at m/n.

M/n smiled at him. Leaning down, kissing him on the lips.
The kiss was long and sweet.

M/n never new Bernard's lips were so soft. I mean he new they were soft, but not this soft.

  M/n smiled into the kiss. He did the same.

They both parted for air.

They looked at eachother and smiled.

"So does this mean we're dating now"
Bernard asked.

"I guess it does"
M/n replied

The two smiled at eachother.

They leaned back into a sweet kiss, cherishing the moment.

When they parted they smiled at eachother, then walked through the woods more hand in hand.


Don't worry I'm not ending the story. Yet.

Anyway sorry it's short but it's cute right. It's probably cheesy too though. Gee anyway hope you all like this chapter.


421 words

🎄Merry Christmas🎄

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