pt 6: hes bad

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Allright I know I kinda skipped a day I wasn't really in the mood to Wright a chapter but now I am so here you all go.

Bernard POV:

After all that hellish time yesterday and seeing m/n here. Toy Santa is no longer a problem but m/n is and he's a BIG problem.

I went off to find Santa to worn him about m/n on the way I ran into m/n.

"Why hello Bernard. It's bean a while since we've talked"
M/n smirked.

"Yeah well I'm not really in the mood to talk to you right now"
I replied walking away from him.

"Oh come on Bernard we used to be best friends"
M/n said following me.

I said harshly turning to him. He looked surprised and a bit hurt.

" blew it... were not friends anymore because of what you did... and that's on you"
I said to him. Now he really looked hurt.

"I'm sorry"
He said quietly.

"Hey what's going on here"
Santa said approaching us.

"Nothing Santa. I need to talk to you. Privately"
I said to Santa, walking away from m/n with him.


Your POV:

Bernard and Santa walked away from me as I looked away from him.

'He's going to tell Santa about what I tried to do'

I walked away to my old house which to my surprise was still there and no one had taken it.



Bernard and Santa walked to Santa's office closing the Door when they got there.

"What is it Bernard"
Santa asked.

"It's about m/n"
Bernard said.

"What about m/n"
Santa asked.

"He's bad and he's going to try to kill you".
Bernard said frantically.

Santa said confused.

"I dont think M/n would do anything to hurt me"
Santa said.

"Yeah well he's planing on hurting you"
Bernard said.

Santa was confused.

"Look in the past... before you became Santa... m/n tried to kill the old Santa which led him to getting banished he wasn't supposed to come back. But Carol and Charlie brought him back so now he's here and he's going to try to kill you"
Bernard said.

"No no m/n is a good kid.. or well elf I don't think he would try to kill me or anyone. Maybe we should give him another chance. I mean it's bean a few years so maybe he's changed"
Santa said.

"What. No Santa. bad idea m/n is rotten to the core he cannot change he's a Dark elf for crying out loud he's bad Santa. bad."
Bernard said frantically.

"I think we should give him a second chance let's call him in and tell him."

"Oh My god"
Bernard groaned out frustrated and annoyed. Covering his face with his hands.


"Santa wants to see me?"
M/n asked.

Curtis replied.

"Well ok"
M/n said grabing his cote and walking to the toy factory were Santa's office was.

When he arrived he opend the Door to Santa's office letting himself in sitting on the very comfortable couch by the fire place. Bernard looked at him annoyed.

"You asked me to come here so you can banish me again didn't you."
M/n asked looking down and fidgeting with his hands.

"No actually we didn't m/n"
Santa said.

M/n looked up surprised.

He asked surprised.

"We actually called you in here to tell you that were giving you a second chance"

M/n smiled.

"Oh My god thank you so much"
M/n said runing to santa and giving him a hug.

He let go and looked over to Bernard who looked
Mad and annoyed. M/n walked away to the door, smiling. Befor he left he looked mainly at Bernard and Santa and said.

"Don't tell my mom what I did... please"

"Don't worry we won't"
Santa said.

"Thanks again santa"
M/n said leaving and closing the Door to Santa's office.

M/n walked down the hall with an evil smile.

'Time for my plan to commence'
He said in his head as he walked back his house to start rebuild his machine that was destroyed year's ago.


Yay hope you all are enjoying this book so far 😊.

Words 719

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