Start from the beginning

Naturalness and authenticity of dialogue: 7/8

Relevance and effectiveness in advancing the plot: 8/8

Character differentiation through dialogue: 8/8

Creativity and originality in language use: 7/8

Overall impact on reader engagement: 8/8

Memorable quotes or exchanges: 7/10

Total: 45/50

Inseparable- Angelic_Maddness

Naturalness and authenticity of dialogue: 7/8

Relevance and effectiveness in advancing the plot: 7/8

Character differentiation through dialogue: 7/8

Creativity and originality in language use: 7/8

Overall impact on reader engagement: 7/8

Memorable quotes or exchanges: 7/10

Total: 42/50

Cinnamon Bay- Pinksands1996

Naturalness and authenticity of dialogue: 6/8

Relevance and effectiveness in advancing the plot: 7/8

Character differentiation through dialogue: 7/8

Creativity and originality in language use: 7/8

Overall impact on reader engagement: 6/8

Memorable quotes or exchanges: 7/10

Total: 40/50

Arcane Academia- Maryam017920

Naturalness and authenticity of dialogue: 5/8

Relevance and effectiveness in advancing the plot: 7/8

Character differentiation through dialogue: 7/8

Creativity and originality in language use: 6/8

Overall impact on reader engagement: 7/8

Memorable quotes or exchanges: 7/10

Total: 39/50

Charmer- reveriestuck

Naturalness and authenticity of dialogue: 7/8

Relevance and effectiveness in advancing the plot: 7/8

Character differentiation through dialogue: 7/8

Creativity and originality in language use: 7/8

Overall impact on reader engagement: 8/8

Memorable quotes or exchanges: 8/10

Total: 44/50

A Lonely Soul- wistfulsummernight

Naturalness and authenticity of dialogue: 6/8

Relevance and effectiveness in advancing the plot: 7/8

Character differentiation through dialogue: 7/8

Creativity and originality in language use: 6/8

Overall impact on reader engagement: 6/8

Memorable quotes or exchanges: 6/10

Total: 38/50

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1st place- Cosmogyral Expedition by CassyKnight_21

1st place- Cosmogyral Expedition by CassyKnight_21

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2nd place- Duke's Secret by J_Lunar and Charmer by reveriestuck

2nd place- Duke's Secret by J_Lunar and Charmer by reveriestuck

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3rd place- Robin's Song- Magic_Dew

3rd place- Robin's Song- Magic_Dew

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Congratulations to all winners!!!

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