"I found her!" one of the trackers I don't recognize yells as he comes into view from behind a tree. I stiffen further and move to hide behind my mate's back. I don't want them to see me, and I'm hoping he won't let them get near me. There is a chance he doesn't know what I'm running from, so if that's the case I'm safe with him for now. If he doesn't know, after he finds out what happened, I don't know what he'll do with me.

"Who are you and why are you following my mate?" he asks as he pushes me even further behind him. I can feel the power radiating off him, which means that he's of a high rank in this pack. I feel my wolf purr in delight as we feel how strong our mate is through the new bond. I listen as more people gather in front of us. While he continues to stare down the threat in front of us, more wolves come and surround us on all sides. None of them look directly at me, they just keep their eyes set on the invaders in front of them as they move into a defensive formation. I glance around in awe at how many pack members have shown up for the number of trespassers.

"We didn't mean to come into your territory, Alpha Mason," the tracker who came into view first speaks as he bows his head respectfully at my mate. "But I'm afraid she's going to have to come back with us." My mate, Mason, growls at his words. He reaches back and places one of his large hands on my small hip, pulling me even closer to him in the process. My chest is now pressed up against his back. Heat radiates off him as I reach up and place my hands on his back, trying to find some sort of calm within myself. His scent surrounds me which aids in calming my wolf but doesn't do much to calm me as I hear growls emit from all around me.

"You will turn around and leave my territory and not come back. And if I hear you threaten my mate again it will be the last thing you ever do. Leave now and you can still make it back to your pack in one piece. You got that?" I feel nothing but pride as he speaks. I have a strong and powerful mate. However, seeing as he's an Alpha, I guess that comes with the territory.

"We'll go, but we will be back for you," he says as the others who were tracking me with him start to turn and leave. I peek around Mason's large figure to see what's going on. The tracker catchers my eyes and glares at me, his eyes holding nothing but hatred for me. I have no doubt that every single member from my former pack feels this way about me. Even before I beat their Beta, most people in my former pack are hateful. It's the way of that pack. The Alpha wanted everyone to be scared of his pack, so he instilled it in his members that being hateful and ruthless was the way to go. I do my best to hold his stare. I know I'm safe for now. As long as Mason doesn't know why I'm running so I'm safe with him until then... after that I'll have to see where I stand. The tracker growls lowly as his glare hardens further. "You may have found some security for now, but it will only last so long... and you can't run forever." I shiver at his tone and fist the back of Mason's shirt, trying to do whatever to get closer to him. I know the guy is right. I can't run forever. I know I'm going to have to explain all of this to my mate... all I can do is hope for understanding.

Mason growls lowly and I feel all of his wolves begin to move closer to the trackers. They glare at the wolves, but after a couple of minutes, all of them are gone from sight. I move back behind Mason and bury my face in his back as I do my best to calm my breathing. I feel the vibration when Mason calls for a couple of wolves to make sure they leave the territory without causing any more trouble. I feel him start to turn around, so I lift my head and look up at him. I hadn't realized how tall he is until now. I have to lean my head all the way back to look up at him. I expect questions, but I'm surprised when I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me closer and up off the ground. My feet dangle off the ground and I instinctively reach up to hold onto his shoulders. I almost sigh in relief when the pressure is off my feet.

"Are you alright?" he asks softly as his eyes travel over my face. "You look exhausted. How long have you been running from those asshats?" he growls as he glares in the direction the trackers left by.

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