Jory Catch-Up

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Your House: Lowborn

How You Know Each Other: Your family has at Winterfell since before you were born, so you would run into Jory often, especially when you were old enough to start working yourself.

How You Hug: He wraps both arms high on your back and holds you close while he rests his forehead on your shoulder. Sometimes you sneak up from behind him and wrap your arms around him, which always puts him into a playful mood. Then he'll turn around instantly to face you and pull you in for a proper hug while also gently tickling you.

How You Comfort Him: When Jory was upset, he would love to feel you put your hands on his face, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. When you would do it, his posture would relax and he would gently close his eyes, sighing and telling you how much he loves you.

How He Comforts You: When you're upset, he walks up behind you and pulls you into a playful hug, gently tickling you, trying to get you to laugh. If you didn't want to be tickled, he would immediately stop, but he would still be laughing as he pulled back and just looked at you lovingly.

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