How You Comfort Them

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Jon Snow: You would often find Jon by himself, just sulking. Whenever you noticed how miserable he would look, you would come up behind him and hug him, which would cause him to blush and smile. As he'd take hold of your arms to keep you there, you would ask him what's bothering him. At first, he'd be resistant from telling you, but eventually he would start to pour his heart out, telling you about all his problems, before thanking you for being so kind to him, and turning to hug you back.

Robb Stark: Robb often wouldn't like to let on to you that he was stressed or upset, but you could always tell. It wouldn't always be easy to find time for just the two of you, which would often get him down even more. When you would get time together, you would always try to ask him what was bothering him, just for him to tell you it was nothing, and end up trying to comfort you instead. If he did that, you would try a different approach, letting him hold and comfort you. You would tell him about all of your problems and just talking until he eventually just felt comfortable sharing with you.

Bran Stark: Comforting Bran is a fairly simple ordeal. As much as he doesn't want to trouble you, he knows how much you like to be there for you, so he would always be very open about anything that would be bothering him. From there, making him feel better would be as simple as smiling and making jokes, because he can't help but be happy when he sees you happy.

Ned Stark: Ned would often try to hide his emotions from you, but you knew him so well, it would be easy for you to tell that something was up based on how how he would be extra quiet and withdrawn. You wouldn't say anything about it. Instead, you would make sure to be extra loving, hugging and kissing him more often. You would also always tell him you love him. Although all the extra love and attention would flustered him, he would appreciate it, and it would make him forget whatever was troubling him.

Joffrey Baratheon: When something is upsetting Joffrey, everyone knows about it. He may not tell you, but you would be able to tell anyway, with him seeming to be extra cruel to the people around him, and extra possessive of you. You could try to get him to talk to you about it, but it's likely that would just irritate him. The best way to comfort him would be to compliment him often, but not often enough to make him think you're mocking him. You would mention things like how handsome he looked when you would see him for the first time that day. You would also tell him often how kind he is to you, and how grateful he is. All these compliments would really go to his head, especially coming from you, and he would just forget what was bothering him.

Tommen Baratheon: When Tommen would be upset, it wouldn't be too hard to figure it out, considering that the first thing he would do would be to find you and tell you everything that was bothering him. He would love to have a private breakfast for just the two of you, the perfect opportunity for him to open up about everything, which he would only do for you. You would always listen to all of his problems, and then reassure him by giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

Jaime Lannister: Before he lost his hand, Jaime was much to cocky to admit to you that there was something wrong, but you would still be able to figure out that he seemed more frustrated than usual. You found that although he appreciated any extra love he got from you, the best way to comfort him wasn't that at all. The best way to comfort him would actually just be to spend time together, doing something simple like going on a walk while you talked to each other about anything and everything. It would help even more if you also laughed at all of his snarky comments. After he lost his hand, he would still love to do those things with you to take his mind off of things, but the best form of reassurance and comfort would be even simpler. He would just love to be held and cuddled, especially if you would also softly kiss his face and remind him of how much you love him. He would also be more comfortable in actually letting you know what was wrong.

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