"She survived."

"Where is she?" Elijah asked casually.

"You don't seem surprised by this." The woman said with slight confusion.

"Oh, when you called and invited me into this armpit of civilization, which is a mere three hours from the town we know as Mystic Falls, I surmised it had everything to do with Katerina." Elijah explained, "Do you have her in your possession?"

"No, but I have better. I have her doppelgängers."

"That's impossible, her family line ended with her. I know that for fact." The original said, showing intrigue for the first time.

"The facts are wrong."

"Well, show them to me." Elijah said and my heart began beating fast with anticipation.

"Elijah, you are a man of honor, you should be trusted but I want to hear you say it again."

"You have my word that I will pardon you." He confirmed.

"Follow me." Rose said and I quickly backed away from the door and back to join my sister.

I inhaled sharply as Elijah entered the room. His eyes fell on Elena and widened with surprise. He sped over to her and looked at her intently for a moment. It almost looked as though he were going to kiss her but then he tilted his head down to smell her neck.

"Human. It's impossible." He said before smiling down at her, "Hello there." Pulling away from my twin, Elijah did a double take when his eyes landed on me, "A blonde doppelganger? Impossible!"

"Not when hair dye exists." I couldn't help but reply.

His eyes narrowed at my comment before he strode towards me at a casual pace. When he reached me, his hand wrapped gently around my neck to hold me in place. He examined my face for a moment before grasping a lock of my blonde hair in his free hand and looking at it closely.

"Do you want to check if the carpet matches the drapes?" Trevor nervously joked and I rolled my eyes.

"I literally just said that I'm a bottle blonde, Trev," I drawled to my captor, "Of course the carpet doesn't match the drapes."

"Well. You could've also dyed your-"

"Trevor!" Rose hissed, stopping him mid sentence.

Letting go of the lock of hair, Elijah brought his face to my neck and inhaled, causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin.

"How is it possible for there to be two human doppelgängers?" Elijah looked at me. His hand was still gently wrapped around my throat and his thumb slowly began to rub circles on the skin of my neck.

"We're twins." I whispered before nervously swallowing and his eyes tracked the movement.

"Hmm." He hummed before releasing my neck and turning his back to me to face our captors. "We have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going."

"Please, don't let him take us!" Elena begged Rose.

"One last piece of business and we're done." Elijah said calmly and he walked over to Trevor.

"I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly, very sorry." Trevor apologied with sincerity.

"Oh no, your apology is not necessary." Elijah brushed him off.

"Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you."

"Oh yes, you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you and that now I honor. Where was your loyalty?" Elijah asked, a shark circling its prey.

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