Chapter 2: her sadness

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Seto Kaiba goes to his brother's side, assisting with the discharge process while his mind remains preoccupied with Angel's critical state. As he signs the paperwork, a sudden alarm pierces the hospital's calm atmosphere, sending Seto's heart racing.

Concerned, he follows the commotion to Angel's room, where medical staff are urgently attending to her. Seto's anxiety heightens as he overhears a nurse explaining the severity of Angel's relapse.

He stands at the threshold, feeling a mix of emotions—fear, frustration, and a deep sense of empathy for the girl he's only seen from afar. Seto knows he can't stand idly by while Angel fights for her life. Determination sets in as he resolves to find a way to help her, despite the uncertainty of the situation.

Seto watches intently as the medical team works tirelessly, their expertise and dedication evident in every movement. He silently prays for Angel's recovery, hoping against hope that she'll emerge from this ordeal stronger than before.

In the midst of the chaos, Seto makes a silent vow to Angel—to stand by her side, to offer whatever support he can, and to do everything in his power to ensure her survival. And as the tension in the room mounts, Seto's resolve only grows stronger, fueled by a newfound determination to be the beacon of hope that Angel desperately needs in her darkest hour.

Seto Kaiba delves deeper into the digital realm, scouring articles and files for any scrap of information about Angel Megumi's life. He reads about her mother, a talented dancer whose life was tragically cut short, leaving behind a legacy of grace and artistry. Her father, a prominent figure in the Sakamea Company, is portrayed as a distant figure, seldom seen by his daughter.

As Seto sifts through the digital archives, he uncovers a file detailing Angel's journey over the past year. His brow furrows in concern as he reads that she has been hospitalized for twelve long months, battling a relentless illness that has kept her confined to a hospital bed. Seto's heart goes out to her, imagining the pain and isolation she must have endured during her prolonged stay.

But amidst the medical reports and statistics, Seto discovers another facet of Angel's life—one filled with music and artistry. She's described as a skilled pianist and violinist, her talents echoing the melodies of her soul. Seto's lips curve into a faint smile as he envisions Angel lost in the strains of her music, finding solace and expression in the notes that dance across the keys and strings.

And then there's the mention of her mother's legacy a legacy that Angel carries within her as she follows in her mother's footsteps as a ballerina. Seto's mind conjures images of Angel gracefully gliding across a stage, her movements a tribute to the woman who lives on through her daughter's artistry.

As Seto absorbs this newfound knowledge, a sense of admiration and respect blooms within him. Despite the challenges she faces, Angel's spirit remains resilient, her passion for music and dance shining bright amidst the darkness of her illness. And with each revelation, Seto feels a deeper connection to the enigmatic girl he's only glimpsed from afar a connection that ignites a desire within him to learn more, to understand the depths of her story, and perhaps, to become a part of it.

As Seto delves deeper into his search, he stumbles upon videos showcasing Angel's incredible talent as a musician and dancer. Mesmerised, he watches her fingers glide effortlessly over the strings of a violin, weaving intricate melodies that seem to transcend time and space. He marvels at her skill as she coaxes hauntingly beautiful notes from the instrument, each one a testament to her passion and dedication.

Switching to another video, Seto is entranced by the sight of Angel seated at a grand piano, her hands dancing across the keys with grace and precision. The music she creates fills the room, wrapping around him like a comforting embrace, and for a moment, Seto forgets the world outside as he becomes lost in the ethereal melodies.

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