Chapter 16 - Fucking Crush

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 Félix stayed close to Alice during some time. He told her this breathing thing for her to calm down and held her hand. She surely felt safe because she was cuddling against him. I felt kinda off during it. I wasn't really used to having people besides me, helping Alice, and besides that, I was a prick to Félix.
Félix kept helping my sister, telling her to close her eyes, use the breathing technique, and also to think of the things she liked instead of what was bothering her. Those were nice advice, and he seemed like a really good doctor. I was just feeling a bit bad for treating him badly. 

 Alice was now seeing relief and relaxation. She seemed to have forgotten that she had seen Jonathan at all. She was her lovely self again. 

 "Feeling better, Alice?"

 "Yes, thanks the Lord you were around here Félix!" she said, smiling."Oh! You can finally meet my brother!"

 As Alice said, "These words, I just looked away,  was embarrassed to look at them." I could feel their eyes layed down upon me. I was still nervous, I was extremely rude to this guy just because he came closer to Alice. He probably thought that I was an overprotective freak.  

 "So you are Alice's brother? Heard a lot of you."

 I felt bad to have turned my back on them, so I turned to them and tried to force a bit of a smile as I answered Félix's question.

 "Yeah- I am. Hope she told you good stuff of me..."

 "She talks very highly of you." he said, smiling

 "Of course I do! He is the best brother ever! How could I ever talk badly of him?"

   I smiled with Alice's comment as I looked over to her. She really seemed to be doing just fine right now and all thanks to Félix.

 "Yeah, I could see your brother clearly cares about you," he said, smirking

 "Oh- I am so sorry! I didn't mean to be so rude to you. You were just trying to help, and I appreciate it deeply, but I- I didn't know your intentions... and..."

 "Hey, it's ok. There was a good reason for you to react that way towards me. You wanted to protect Alice, and I completely understand it. "

 I smiled a bit as the guy held his hand towards me and said:

 "Let's introduce ourselves properly, ok? My name is Félix Renorve, I am not only a doctor, but Alice's friend. Nice to meet you."

 I grabbed his hand carefully and shaked it a bit after introducing myself to Félix.

 "Well, I am Harry Williams, the elder brother of Alice Williams. Therefore, your friends brother, nice to meet you too."

He shared some glances for a few moments. His eyes were really pretty. I could get lost in those calming, beautiful green eyes forever. His eyes were laid down on mine, I don't know if it was my imagination, but I swear he was smiling and glancing at me with... something in his eyes.
Alice looked at us. She smilled over to me. She obviously knew what was going on inside my mind. She could read right through me. She knew I was impressed with Félix. I was gonna try and not make it that obvious for her. She was the noob in love, not me.

"So, now that you know each other, why don't you come with us, Félix? You could, in case I don't feel well while walking home with Harry."

"Oh, Alice, I am not sure. I don't wanna be like an intruder." he giggled

"You wouldn't be. You're a friend, and it's Alice requesting it..." I said

"In that case, I could go with you guys. Are you leaving the mall already?"

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