Chapter 7 - Feelings

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~ Alice's Pov ~

After Harry calmed down, he continued hugging. I surely needed the heat that hug was giving me. Like I'd forever be safe in those arms. I really didn't wanted to let go of Harry in that moment. I was as worried as him about Jonathan being back. Afraid of what his intentions could be... afraid he'd try something again me... or worse... against Harry. And I couldn't really allow something to happen with my brother.

We'd still be hugged if it hasn't for Kevin that placed a hand in Harry's shoulder reminding him that maybe that as enough. If I wasn't so emotional in that moment I would have kicked him hard on his balls. But I was more worried about Harry. I saw him let go of me and bring his hands to his face, cleaning the tears. He'd run one of his hands though his hair and look down at me with a small smile. 

"Sorry, got emocional...", "No! No problem brother, it's fine, truely." I said smilling to reassure him that I was indeed saying the truth. "You could tell that the strong Harry Williams could even cry?" smirked Kevin. Harry glared at him as he said "At least someone here was a heart not a stone in it's place. Cock sucker." I couldn't help, but laugh a lot at Harry's response to Kevin. When some issue was about his own feelings, Harry could be pretty rude when someone tries to make a joke out of his feelings. Kevin should have learned that by now "Wow- at least I got a cock to suck- what about you?" he said giggling. Harry smiles "Meh. I am single and proud of it."

I'd smile to both of them "Yeah Kevin, being single is just the best thing ever!" I'd say more excited. "Oh, you think so missy? Then why accept a date with Lukas?" he'd ask with a big grin on his face. Harry quickly turned to me "Ah what now!?". I looked confused to Kevin as I spoke "What do you mean date with Lukas? We are just gonna hang out on Saturday nothing more.", "Harry, you sister seem quite oblivious to what asking a girl to hang out means.", "Well... shit." that was all my brother could say in that moment. 

"He just invited me to that movie if been annoying everyone about, nothing else. A date would mean he's in love with me or something." I said while laughing hard and continued to speak "Lukas and I are best friends since ever! And he always had this biggest crush in a girl we know- he never confirmed who it was, but I bet it's Carmilla from Class C". 

Both the boys looked at me in pure confusion. Sharing looks to one another like they were talking using only their thoughts. It was so weird. "Did I say something wrong? What's up with the faces?" I asked worried I had messed up somehow. "Sis, I think we need to talk about feelings" Harry said as I looked at him curious. "What is it?"

Harry took my hand and sat down on the couch with me again, as Kevin leaned against the wall in front of us to participate in this chat. Harry smilled at me. "Dear, you know you can trust me with anything, right?". "Yeah, I know! I tell you everything!" I replied smilling. "Yah sure of that sistah?" asked Kevin with a smirk on his face. "Hm, yes I am prick. Why that smirk all over your face?". Harry and Kevin giggled at my answer as they looked at each other and signed. Harry spoke up again "Sister, I think you are hiding something from me. And that is related to Lukas." 

I was having a hard time understanding what they were talking about. Hiding something about Lukas? There was just nothing to hide at all! Lukas was just the bestest and amazingest of all my friends! He always had my back and that would give me a lot of confidence when I needed. There was just nothing else to say about him. He was really special to me and I liked being the center of his attention. I just couldn't figure out what they wanted from me. What was the reason for those expressions in their faces? Would they tell me or keep joking around like jerks?

"Hm, I am not hiding anything. What are you guys up too?" I asked wanting for an answer. "Sister, you are in love with your best friend", "What a bad taste lol". I got confused. In love with Lukas? Me? I was his bestfriend! Not a crush- not a girlfriend. I wasn't in love with Lukas! Was I...? "What!? You guys are making no sense at all! Lukas is my bestfriend! He would never love me in that way!", "Oh~ so you are scared he doesn't want to make out with you~?" said Kevin jokingly. "Kevin, shut up asshat. Don't scare my sister with that stuff.", "Excuse me!? That's literally not what I said! Me and Lukas are friends and nothing more! End of discussion, got it?"

"You don't order us around sister. And I am your big brother, I can help you out. I can help you confess if you wanna. You don't need to be afraid of rejection. If he breaks your heart I'll break his neck." Harry said smilling, "No, Harry you don't get it, I- I don't like Lukas in that way. It's not a date! It's a friends hang out! Nothing more!". I tried to sound completely sure of what I was saying. But they got to me. I didn't knew if Lukas was really just  my bestfriend. What if he was more then that? 

"Hm, sister, can I just give you an advice?" I nodded my head as he placed his arm around my shoulders and spoke in a soft calming tone. "I know it's scary to love and be loved. Don't freak up on this topic. Just let yourself be happy and figure out who  makes you happy. Being Lukas or not... the guy that dates you will be really lucky for having someone like you in their life."

I smilled and nodded my head hiding from Harry all the doubts I had on my mind right now. What can you possibly do when you might be in love with your bestfriend?

Is it ok to risk losing  years of friendship for something more? 

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